May physical fitness challenge

How 'bout you, Jasmine? I think you’d be a great leader for this kind of thing.

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Thanks Dan – i will give it a shot …

how’s this look?

30 day challenge

Full Body Workout 1:
Goblet squat x 10
Shoulder Press x 8
Lunges x 8/side
Rear Delt Fly x 8
Plank x 30 seconds
Repeat 3x

Workout 2 (Recovery):
Foam Rolling + 30-minute walk

Full Body Workout 3:
Romanian Deadlift x10
DB Chest Press x10
Split Squat x10
One Arm Row x8/side
Mountain Climbers x8
Repeat 3x

Workout 4 (Recovery):
Runners Lunge x 30 sec
Child’s Pose x 30 sec
Bird Dog x 30 sec
Downward Facing Dog x 30 sec
Repeat x 5

Full Body Workout 5:
Lateral Lunge x 10
Lateral Raises x 10
Goblet Squat x 10
Front Raises x 10
Glute Bridge x 30 sec
Plank x 30 sec
Repeat 3x

Full Body Workout 6:
Squat Thrust x10
Walking Lunges x10
Arnold Press x10
Biceps Curl x10
Triceps Extension x10
Mountain Climbers x12
Repeat 3x

Workout 7:
Romanian Deadlift x12
Split Squat x10
Chest Press x10
One Arm Row x10
Hammer Curls x10
Triceps Dips x10
Plank +Mtn Climbers x12
Repeat 3x

Workout 8:
Lat Lunge x10
Goblet Squat x10
Glute Bridge x10
Arnold Press x10
Lat Raise x12
Front Raise x12
Plank x60s
Repeat 3x

Workout 9:
Goblet Squat x10
Romanian Deadlift x10
Walking Lunges x10
Shoulder Press x12
Biceps Curls x12
Triceps Extension x12
Plank +Mtn Climbers x15
Repeat 3x

Workout 10:
Squat Thrust x10
Split Squat x10
Chest Press x12
One Arm Row x10
Hammer Curls x10
Triceps Dips x12
Plank +Mtn Climbers x15
Repeat 3x

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I might have to buy a kettle bell or two for this, looks very interesting!

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i usually use two hand weights but yes kettle would be better – thanks for getting me to think of a work out plan. I am super excited to be getting back into fitness.

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So very happy to have completed this Month
Day 31 :white_check_mark:
A 4.5 mile walk with at a great pace

Feeling good today! :blush:

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Another 2 days at the gym tonight to finish off the month. I am grateful to be able to do this!

I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.
Billy Shakes, 12th Night

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