May physical fitness challenge

Day 13 (used the rest day from day 10 :blush:)

Day 14 and day 15 :white_check_mark: plus a 3.65 mile walk each day.


Days 11-14 done with my trainer yesterday. His workouts are the inspiration for this month’s challenge.

O! for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention.
William Shakespeare, Henry V


Day 16 :white_check_mark: and a 3.25 mile walk

Day 17 :white_check_mark: and a 3.25 mile walk


Day 16 :heavy_check_mark: the extra time allowed me to get in seven sets.

“The fire seven times tried this,
Seven times tried that judgment is,
That did never choose amiss.
Some there be that shadows kiss.
Such have but a shadow’s bliss.
William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice


Day 18 :white_check_mark: and completed a 4 mile walk


Just got back from a 20 mile bike ride @ 15.3 mph. This is my second outdoor ride of the season, I’m knocking the rust off for a 30 miler, a fundraiser not a race, in 4 weeks. It was a gorgeous day, blue skies and warm temps, I rode along the lakeshore. People were busy preparing their “camps” for the summer season. Mostly cottages, with some primitive shacks and some fancy year round houses. They’re are still working farms along there, too, and that’s an issue for the lake. The phosphorus run off from the manure promotes algae blooms when the lake warms up, it’s aptly called rock snot. What makes this area so quaint and attractive to visitors (dairy farms) is killing the lake. The fundraiser I’m riding for is to help solve the problem (I’ve supported them for years) and it is making a difference.


WOWZERS – that’s impressive Dan! Hope you can rest and bask in your active achievement today :muscle:
I’m sure you will have no trouble doing the 30 miler in 4 weeks time.


Day 15 completed (35 minute run) today. Pro tip - do not attempt to run a 5k after:

  • Sitting 5½ hours under sunny blue skies, 75° Fahrenheit outdoors with no hat for the first 3 hours, not enough water and definitely no food. (Son’s college graduation, it’s a big school, they had the main show from 9:00-11:30, then the College of Arts and Sciences walk for degrees from 12:30 to 3:00).
  • Then chug about 20 ounces of water and a 10 ounce coffee.
  • Then eat an eggroll.
  • And run a half hour later.

This leads to fatigue and nausea, and even though I knew it would go there, I shouldered the burden of experimentation for you, you’re welcome.

…to climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first.
Wm Shakespeare, Henry VIII


OH NO – sorry Dan – i hope you are resting and taking it easy now. Packed in a LOT for today.

Taking today as my day 20 rest day. Hoping to get back on track tomorrow.


Day 20 + 21 done today. Seems I needed two days off. Hope I can get in a walk later. :grinning:


Day 22 :white_check_mark: added a 2 mile walk.


Days 16-18 done with my trainer tonight. It’s been hot and I’ve been lazy, and a bachelor for a few days - that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!

And oftentimes excusing of a fault
Doth make the fault the worse by the excuse,
As patches set upon a little breach
Discredit more in hiding of the fault
Than did the fault before it was so patch’d.
William Shakespeare, King John


Day 23 2 mile walk

Day 24 did 2 – 2.5 mile walks and double workout to make up for yesterday

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Since my sesh with my trainer, I took a day off to feel sore. 26 mile bike ride today, battling headwinds both ways on the out and back. How does that work??!!

Mark it, nuncle.
Have more than thou showest,
Speak less than thou knowest,
Lend less than thou owest,
Ride more than thou goest,
Learn more than thou trowest,
Set less than thou throwest,
Leave thy drink and thy whore
And keep in-a-door,
And thou shalt have more
Than two tens to a score.
William Shakespeare, King Lear


:thinking: Huh… sounds like a story parents told kids about walking up hill to school and back in the snow :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In all seriousness… awesome work with 26 miles. That upcoming bike ride is gonna be a breeze .


Day 25 :white_check_mark: plus a 3.75 mile walk

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Day 26 took the up coming rest day…no more left lol

Day 27 :white_check_mark:

Day 28 :white_check_mark: plus a 3.75 mile walk


Another Wednesday evening torture session with my trainer. I count that as 4 days. We do a very similar tabata style workout. He varies the exercises, but I do 20 reps of everything in a half hour, then we repeat. I start with stretching and wall sits. Tonight was mountain climbers, frog kicks, pushups and plank shoulder taps with feet on slider pads, followed by kettle bell squats with a tricep lift of the bell to the chin and regular kettle bell swings, then one armed bent over rows with the kettlebell, one legged toe touch followed by a standing stretch (each leg of course), step ups onto the bench with a dumbbell held passively then a curl and arm raised press with one leg on the bench, flies and chest press with dumbbells on a bench with legs raised up, then flies and chest press with a lighter weight but balanced on the tailbone. And something else in between that I have blocked out. Then repeat the whole process. I feel a little nauseous after, and sore the next two days.

Tho this be madness, yet there is method in’t.
William Shakespeare, Hamlet


Day 29 :white_check_mark:plus a 4 mile walk


Day 30 :white_check_mark:
plus a 4.25 mile walk

any ideas for June? @SinceIAwoke