Maybe Just One Wouldn’t Hurt

Good of you to look out for new ways to cope with cravings. What has helped me a lot in the beginning was distraction. And in a situation like yours (the camping planning) I would definitely have eaten some chocolat because that was my plan B in those early recovery days :blush:
And somethimes just the thought “every craving is temporary” helped me to sit it out too.
Well done for your 13 days! :confetti_ball:
Are you going for a holiday soon? We have a lovely thread to share our sober travels in

See you around! :raising_hand_woman:


I tell myself ‘one is too many’ :yellow_heart:


I’ve been known to drink with friends, mostly at parties. But more and more these days, I drink when I’m alone. Sometimes I drink BECAUSE I’m alone.

I agree that not drinking is isolating. It reminds me of some intense stomach problems I had a few years ago (not alcohol-related). Because I was avoiding most foods (and barely eating) every dinner with friends or family felt isolating. It made me too aware of myself, and too distant from everyone else. And I still feel that way when having dinner with my family. Not being able to drink with them makes me feel defective. It makes me feel visible and invisible in all the wrong ways.

But sometimes it’s good to avoid that one drink. I went to a party once, and I abstained from drinking because I was on anti-anxiety meds. I felt like crap the whole time, and I thought I would be miserable. But I managed to loosen up a bit, and apparently I did a good job at being my normal funny self, because someone at the party asked a friend for my number.

Point being, you may always be tempted to have that one drink. But just because you want it doesn’t mean you need it.

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That’s how I used to be. I was put away a 12 pack and stumble through my night. It’s not fair to my wife or kids or myself. At almost 500 days, I don’t ever want to say I need a restart. It won’t ever happen


Once I was able to re-set my relationship with alcohol, I was able to peacefully co-exist with it. I no longer look at booze as something I’m missing out on, nor do I associate any pleasure with drinking it. I have basically had it neutralized through working the 12 steps.

I neither fear, nor desire it, nor fantasize about it or think it will make any aspect of my life better. I’m basically done and over it - haven’t had an urge or thought to use in over 3 decades of my 40+ sober yrs.


What stops me is knowing that one drink is a death sentence.

It will creep back in slowly and quietly, one here, one there. Then I’ll be back to bring a zombie corpse with no social life and everything else that comes with being a drunk.

I’ll stick to soft drinks!!!


Thank you so much for sharing this. I have been wracking my brain, trying to figure out ,how to stop myself from relapsing again. For me, It has a lot to do with my brain telling me things like- even though drinking is a traumatic life style, not drinking will be such an empty existence and I’m trying to work out how to change this mind set…I guess you could say it’s a lie because,it’s been so long since I have stayed sober that I wouldn’t know what it’s like.


Never forget this: The addictive part of your brain will do anything to trick you into picking up a drink. It will lie, it will tell you stories, it will give you ideas, it will paint pictures, hell, it will let you imagine complete scenes with fabricated memories.
Those memories of you using that will feel like a flash back of good times? It’s a fabrication. A part of it will be real experience that you had, but it is redacted by your addiction. Your addiction will remove all the negative parts, enhance the ok ones and throw in some really good fake ones.
The addicted part of your brain is the most convincing deep fake machine there is. No AI in the world can compete with that.
So never forget: It’s fake news, it’s a deep fake memory and it is one big fat lie. Your addiction does not care for you, or your health, or well being at all. It just wants to be fed its DOC. It does not have your interests in mind, just its own.


Thank you. I needed to read this and I have to remember to keep this in my mind when those negative thoughts drop in.

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And keep in mind that eventually that fabricated memory of happy booze/drug times will disappear and no longer occur. One can become neutralized to one’s previous DOC.

The struggle to stay straight in the early days can result in being happy, joyous and free of phony booze memories and urges.

Being straight becomes its own reward.


I heard the other day we all have two lives and the second one starts when we realize we only have one.
Think I’ll keep this one.


Once again, exactly what I needed to read. Thanks again. I know it’s going to be hard and I’m fine with that. I just hate how my mind constantly tells me I am going to be forever miserable no matter what I choose…Do you know of any good books or podcasts for quitting?


I like recovery elevator podcast!!

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Exactly this. I don’t want one drink. I want 4, 5, 6 or more. One drink would be so disappointing, and I’d probably relapse so hard. I dont know if I could come back out of it. So, I say no to one.


Thanks. I will give it a listen :purple_heart:

What would stop me? I won’t drink, because I don’t drink. I am a non-drinker. There was a time when I drank. That period has passed. I don’t have any great memories, like “man, that time I was at that place, with so and so…being drunk is what made it special”.

I can say this without any reservation or doubt: not once since about the 90-day mark have I been even remotely close to relapse.

And 6.5 years later, I still know that 1 drink would hurt. I’ll never invite that vampire in, ever again


Excellent post, Aga.

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Being only on day 6 I feel somewhat of a fraud trying to offer a perspective! However I do have one since I used to smoke, then vape - for many many years

I managed to stop both - the cravings took a long time to fade, but fade they did - the longer I abstained the less I thought about it. 13 years on and I think about it from time to time, and sometimes I dream about it! (Wake up feeling guilty I might add) But I guess my sobriety/love of not being addicted any more has become stronger than the desire to indulge myself

I am hoping very much that the same thing happens with my drinking. As I say, it’s day 6, but I am hoping that day 10 things feel easier, and day 100 easier still, until I reach year 10 when I will not give it a thought any more like with vaping/smoking

At least that’s what I hope anyway - so stay strong - every day is a step closer to reaching the point where you don’t have to ‘try’ any more


One drink. I did that on a relapse, once, just to prove to myself that I could. So I bought six and had one. That day. So proud of myself. But the gate was open, the beer was still in the fridge. Was I going to have just one the next day? Ha. No, I proved that I could have just one already, so I’m entitled to as many as I wish. See the logic? So yeah, maybe you can do it that first day. After that you’re coming down hard, or gradually, but you’re going down. I had six years of sobriety and went back out. Took me several more to get back. I’m lucky I didn’t die. And I no longer feel compelled to congratulate myself for that first day, where I had that one beer. Don’t do it.


What stops me? I don’t like cheating myself. There’s plenty of people who would gladly do that for me lol :laughing: