Traveling Sober

Aww I love that :kissing_heart:
Leaving Luca and headed to the coast. Santa Margherita On the Ligurian Sea. The Mediterranean
I’m so happy to take you all and share it with me.

Edit : @Lisa07 and we tasted some balsamic vinegar. It can be very thick over here. I liked the pink one. I’d like to say it’s cheaper the wine but not sure. But no after effects.


I do the same :smiling_face:
I need my Italian travel guide.


Olive oil tasting? I thought all olive oil tasted like olives? At least it does over here.

What was the difference? How do you taste olive oil? Was it bread involved?


A little like wine tasting. Sniff it taste it. Maybe dip. They had some bread sticks. One was real earthy and a little peppery. I liked it. Another a bit more fruity. Maybe for a salad or a tuna sashimi. A could a little more just full flavored strong olive taste.

I couldn’t believe how thick 2 of the balsamic vinegars were I’m not usually a fan. But these were good. I like the pink fruity one best. Like for a salad.


Went to Lucca today

The Angel Saint Michael on the top of Church of San Michele in Foro, Lucca, Italy

The Madonna and child.
I lit a candle for my sister :pray: I do that whenever I go to cathedrals in Europe.

Oak Trees growing up in the top of the tower. They must have been planted a long long time ago @SoberWalker


On the Ligurian Cosst for the next 2 nights.
The Italian Riviera


Can I get a weather report please? :joy: Like is it warm enough to swim? Or at least walk around in shorts?


Aaah Lucca! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Been there a few times!
With the big round square in the middle of the town. When we where there last time there was a big feast going on. There where city district flags hanging on the buildings around the square and the people where wearing sjawls with the city district print on it. In the evening they ate all together at large tables on the streets.
The good Italian life!


And the thick balsasamic vinegars are the best!
Love it with mozarella and tomatoes and a slice of fresh balsamico leafs :yum::yum::yum:


Dustin Hoffman and Helen Hunt are filming a movie here. We are keeping an eye out for them too.

It’s so beautiful. We got some cool and rain. But that’s ok.


Weather report today

Screwed :scream:

Totally fucked. Stuck in a train tunnel for safety :scream: this was not in the brochure :laughing:
But I love :heart: it :laughing:


Oh no! I should have never asked.

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Olive Tasting is over here in Cali too! Old Sac in Sacramento has a nice one. But if you ever make your way over here to the WC, you can find them here and there! It’s probably not as good as a real Italian one though!!! :yum:


Interesting! I doubt I’ll ever make it to Italy in this lifetime so it’s good to know they’re in Cali. Definitely on my list to try when I make it out your way. :blush:


And now we got snow :scream: :snowflake:

It’s off in the distance; but, I think this is unusual for the Italian Riviera.


Most of today’s hiking was canceled but we did get a lot of walking in.

Going up to Vernaza would have been too dangerous with all the rain and slippery steps and cliffs and thunder and lightning.

But we got in plenty of exercise in Manarole

And the stunning views!

This what I’m talking bout right here


Amazing pictures.

I love an Italian walled hill town, they’re just amazing places. Sadly all too often deserted these days


Thank you.
Such a beautiful country.

Already thinking about The Cotswolds walking tour in 25 maybe. This is a great tour company. Only 10 of us and 2 very passionate phenomenal Italian guides. Must go home tomorrow via Heathrow.


Friday’s walk/hike 2 plus miles but it still took almost 2 hours.

To Portofino

We followed the Ligurian Sea road.

Up into the forest

The Passage Of Kisses

This tree was calling you @SoberWalker

Down into Portofino

And a coffee and bottle of water for this sober traveler.
Travel tip :face_with_monocle:
See, if you buy a coffee for a couple of Euro you can use their bathroom :laughing:


Hard to leave somewhere like that behind. Safe travels.

I was born in the Cotswolds, can confirm it’s pretty it don’t go until June unless you like cold and rain