Maybe someone has advice?

my main struggle currently is pmo. no matter how I’ve tried to tackle it I keep coming back and I think a huge part of why and when I relapse is my partner. I love him a ton and I’m also doing this for him because my pmo addiction is messing with our intimacy. The issue is when I am sober from masturbating and he comes over and we do stuff, the day after or even the same day I end up relapsing. every time. and it’s super frustrating because I don’t know how to make that pattern stop.

Does anyone have ideas how to tackle this issue?


Have you tried any of the recovery meetings that work around sex or are addiction substance agnostic?
There is SA, SAA, slaa, smart recovery.
At the end of the day, I believe that all recovery is just an acceptance that our lives have to change, the desire to change it, and finding the tools that help us change and maintain the change.

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