Me vs my Addictions

From age of 18, I drank and smoke heavily. Today, I’m 1960 days smoke free and 31 days alcohol free/sober.
Now that I don’t have anything to use when I’m stressed or sad etc, I feel the void and I’ve become a little bit cranky - no REALLY cranky if I want to be honest. But I’ll keep fighting, to my last breath - for my son who shall never remember me as a smoker/drunk dad. And for my wife, for keeping up with me for 20 years. And for my parents - for their unconditional love


Hey M - hell of a job on your smoke free and alcohol free days - congrats on passing your 1st 30!

I thought that quitting cigs was when i would be my crankiest and was grateful when that passed. I too quit smoking first and then did alcohol and weed together. i was already weening off of the weed by the time i quit so it really was majorly the alcohol. Man - my nerves were shot and my temper was short and i was Ms Cranky Pants! deep breathes my friend - this does not last. i found that when the frustration hit i would find ways to calm myself using meditation / yoga/ walks / deep breathing - whatever was possible at that given moment.

Keep fighting the good fight - it does get so much easier! :muscle: :hugs:

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My son will be 3 in November. Theres no way i would want him to see what i have been like . Your doing great . Unfortunately i look at my mother and she has given up and i know the drink will take her. Chin up mate

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Indeed. Instead of using try and find stuff to do. Find activities instead of passive consuming. Whatever it is. Take your time, lots of it, to go and seek and look for stuff you find nice to do. Doing that is a double edged sword as it will fight the boredom you (and every other person early in sobriety) experience. Involve your son and wife in some of it for another added bonus.

Boredom is extremely common after becoming sober. There’s lots written about it too. Just google “boredom”, “void”, “sobriety”, “sober” and such. Loads will come up.

Finally, on a more lofty note, boredom and “the void” are necessary and useful parts of life. Learn to live with it. Great ideas come from boredom if you don’t run from it, trying to fill it up with whatever. Just experience it. Just like your crankiness. Feel it and see it for what it’s worth. What are you cranky about exactly? Wishing you all success on your sober journey friend.


Thanks for your kind reply mate - will def add jogging to my daily schedule :pray:t2::pray:t2:

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I totally commend you on giving up smoking cigarettes and not drinking alcohol. I can claim sobriety from alcohol but cannot stop smoking weed!! I have never smoked cigarettes. The weed reduces my physical pain and gets me to actually eat. At this point, I don’t know what to do because dealing with depression there is no help!!!

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I never tried weed knowing my addictive brain :slight_smile:

Good on you - our kids look up on us, we should be good role models for them :v:t2: