Meditation for Serenity 2021-2024! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 3 years running woot!)

Mediatation for anger. I’m grateful I released some anger and resentments tonight, through singing, screaming, writing a letter, power walking, some text messages and finally a meditation as mentioned earlier, for anger. I’m grateful I didnt punch anyone but wow I really wanted to. Matters of the heart and feeling disrespected are powerful things that I struggle with. It is a hurt I have been carrying since the woman with the dog named Stella, who I have posted pictures of, came into and out of my life, numerous times over the past year. She lives in my building and I still talk with her sometimes and the man she has been seeing lives in the building as well. They both have tried, as have I, at times, to be friends but watching and listening to them argue overtime and tonight. I really wanted to hit him. Instead I walked away. Gathered myself for almost an hour then finally dealt with it to the best of my ability as who I am today. I’m grateful for the twelve steps, prayer and mediatation. I am going to listen at least once to the self love meditation now. Sorry, not sorry for ranting on the meditation thread.


Hi you loved ones,
I would like to share my meditation praxis again with you. This is my morning meditation today, I love Seda’s voice. :heartpulse:

Will add a new habbit: yoga nidra or some zen meditation in the evening (replacing the habbit of drinking with a real strong meditation routine).


Hi Julia. Thank you for sharing. I will look into it. I just sat with my morning meditation. Replacing bad habits with good ones. I like that. Blessed be


Hi Billy,

I just finished my new evening routine with yoga nidra (this is a German version)

Here is Seda’s profile:

Love, :woman_in_lotus_position:t2::person_in_lotus_position:t3:


07.38 am

Had 10 minutes of simple presence meditation.



One of my favs by Rick Hanson!


Ten minutes can be life altering. I sit in practice with no arbitrary number in my head. I really liked the imagery in this one. I feel completely healed now (from a “bug” of some sort). Ready for a beautiful day.


“All of my problems stemmed from being unable to sit alone in a room” Meditated outide a few times today, then inside, just moments ago sat silent for a while in the present moment.


Kind of meta mediation - loving kindness
Sorry it’s german :heartpulse:


I’m wondering if it can be translated to English,

This meditation changed my mood .I felr unfocused and not fully in my body but this set me right.

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It truly is amazing how we just never want to spend time with ourselves. Well. I mean. I know I’m not alone. But I almost always have music, or TV, or NPR on in the background. I think I been doing pretty good lately especially since we did that Mantra challenge. I cannot believe the number of times I’m just with myself these days.

A lot of times i’ll listen to a chant or mantra and then when it’s over continue my walk or go wherever I’m going with nothing on for background noise. And I’m finding it pretty peaceful.


Starting this thread with the initial daily meditation challenge helped me as well. Then as you mentioned the addition of the mantra challenge stepped it up, for lack of a better term, to a different level. Now trying to add in quiet time alone, as well, seems like a postive and solid progression. I am thankfull to everyone involved on this thread for playing a big part in my life and recovery. I added a few more meditations to my offline playlist recently. This time intentionally. One guidied on boundaries by the same woman who’s self love meditation I like and a random one by a guy that’s a walking meditation that I listened to for the first time today. On a side note I would appreciate any suggestions if we have any popular threads on prayers or one that needs support. @Its_me_Stella @Soberbilly @Nowenbrace @Misokatsu @Butterflymoonwoman @Juli1 @DryIn785



I really like these different moon meditations and prayers This one’s a 7-minute prayer to rid oneself of what you don’t need. Thanks to Stel-zilla I have been on a pretty steady diet of handpan. Very soothing. Have you tried walking meditation?

I like this one. There’s more to choose from. I personally feel meditation is my biggest asset in recovery. Namaste



The Devi prayer I posted today is so beautiful, its a prayer to the devine feminine. Here is the translation.

The Divine Mother is everywhere.

She is in everything.

She is the Divine Essence that lives within all beings.

Her domain is the field of life, for she gives

to all beings the sustenance that is needed for life.

Her beauty lives in the natural world,

and spans the universes in all their splendor.

She has been called by many names,

for all traditions recognize Her.

Into each consciousness the knowledge is given

of the sacredness of life.

This sacredness IS the Mother.

She is the holy generator of the physical world,

joined to the heart and soul of every living thing.

All of the Earth is one with Her.

All beings of the Earth owe their life to Her,

for she is the Mother of all, the One who bestows

all gifts of life.

Her gifts come to the deserving and to the

non-deserving alike, for the sun does not choose

upon whom to shine.

She is the source of Divine blessing, the part

of the Oneness that bestows the graces that fill life.

We have not seen Her because her being is

cloaked in silence.

She emerges now as part of the Oneness where

she has always resided, blessing all, giving to all.

All who bow before Her are sustained by the life

within them.

All who honor Her are sustained by life’s gifts

both within themselves and beyond.

The purpose of existence is to join with Life that lives

in all dimensions and all realms of being.

It is the Mother that creates this evolving,

this unfolding journey,

for she is the fabric of Time itself,

the means by which all things grow.

She is the template for life that exists within Her —

the substance and form of all that shall ever come to be.

May all be blessed by the blessings of the

Divine Oneness.


Sanskrit “Devi Prayer” from “108 Sacred Names of Mother Divine” by Craig Pruess and Ananda:


Beautiful Stella, great passage for Sunday night to start the week ahead in positivity .
Thank Q so much :hugs::person_in_lotus_position::heart::pray:


That is absolutely beautiful, thank you so much for posting this!!


I need to save this… Wondeful :heartpulse::purple_heart::dancer:t2:

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Love healing trance this morning
by Christian Hemschemeier

A German therapist for healthier relationships and selflove ( I am into several online programs.

L O V E :purple_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:

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