Meme wars 1...2...3.... Go

Lol, I graciously accepted it with temperature cuz of computer stuff…reading CPU and GPU temps etc. Cuz that’s how everyone does it, even here.
When it comes to carpentry, on the length thing not so much lol, for one if I start giving people measurements in mm or cm its gonna confuse tf out of em. Two, I spent a long time learning all those 32nds and 64ths dammit! :laughing:


What is screwy with todays site plans of buildings are that they still use different scales of measurement. Elevations are done in a even tenths scale and has to be converted to our 12inch/foot scale. … Leave it to Merica’ . Ive had people give me measurements in inches before …smh made me have to roll my damn tape out 15ft to get the measurement…🤦

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That sounds fun! You could go grocery shopping and ask for “three cats of potatoes” or something like that :smile:

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Past President Jimmy Carter tried to switch us over too and he’s a carpenter.

@Mephistopheles How do I make a private message?

Nevermind, got it figured out.

Because, 'Merica.

Sending to my Freind who LOVES cheesecake,he likes the mixes and had me “make” him one.
When I served it to him I said here’s your cheapcake,I refuse to call it cheesecake if it’s from a dammed box!



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Use metrics a fair amount in the medical field

867-5309. All you need


I went into a store the other day and they had all the Christmas crap out. I wished I had a way to pop all those damn blow up yard ornaments!

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Make sure your sound is on…




I’d wholeheartedly join you in that mission!



Remember when you had to call the time lady after the power came back on? What the heck was the number… we always dialed POPCORN

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