I’m meeting with my dr today about antidepressants. It seems like forever ago when I called to make the appointment I’ve had a lot of extra time to think about this decision. And I feel like I am making the right decision. My appointment isn’t until this afternoon but I will check in with you guys to let you know how things go.
Good job Brooke I’m super proud of you for everything you’re doing to improve your life. I hope your appointment goes well, have an AWESOME DAY!!!
Good job in recognizing that you need a little help. Take care BrookieB!!
Had a CBT session this morning and the therapist gave a really good analogy (which I have partly forgotten and so embellished it a bit) about the impact our thoughts and feelings can have on our behaviour.
Situation: Stepping in dog shit.
Person 1: Oh no, I’ve stepped in dog poo, my shoe is ruined, I will have to go home and get changed, maybe I will just stay home
Person 2: This is a disgrace! What a horrible community I live in, no one takes any pride in it. I am going to post on our local Facebook group about this. DOG OWNERS PICK UP AFTER YOUR DOGS!
Person 3: Ew, gross. Oh well, I’ll shuffle through that grass to get the worst of it off and clean it up properly when I get where I’m going.
This! Perfect. I’ll have no problem remembering this one A good tool for reframing, for sure.
My family (mainly my two older sisters) were very toxic, I never noticed just how toxic until a year after my little sister killed herself and they joked about it! That’s when the penny dropped. I amputated them out of my life like a cancer and I have NEVER looked back, best thing I ever did for MY recovery. Sometimes you just have to get rid. IMHO.
I’m wishing you well my friend, great job recognising that you need a little extra help. That in its self takes strength…looking forward to hearing how it went… peace to you
Thank you all for being such a support. My doc put me on Lexapro to start since when I was on Wellbutrin in the past it gave me some serious anger issues and caused me to gain a ton of weight. Hopefully, this time around will be different. I started it on Friday but he said it takes a few weeks before I will notice a difference so I’m looking forward to hopefully seeing a change soon. I went to my acupuncturist today too which definitely helped my mood as well. Looking like things are going in the right direction.
Today I cried and I’m glad I released the sadness that I’ve been saying I’m okay too… I stood and thought of childhood memories.
It is something I had to do alone.
Hi Danni,
I am glad you are working through your grief. When my father died I could not process it for a while and not until I had been sober for weeks. Then I was driving along and The Living Years by Mike and the mechanics came on the radio. It just hit me like a right hook from Mike Tyson. Best wishes.
Oh man, that song…
I think we all have struggles and things in our lives that totally suck. A common theme on this thread (and this forum) is that the difficulties we face in life shape us. All experiences, good and bad, can be opportunities to learn something. I don’t believe anyone is trying to suggest that child abuse or abandonment are positive things