Mental health memes and discussion (Part 2)

I’m not sure when I’m going to feel like me again. Even when I do, it’ll definitely be a different me, a me who’s known much more heartbreak. In the last 3 weeks, we’ve experienced the deaths of four dear friends. Right now, I don’t know how to feel better. My mind is exhausted and my body is unwell. I thought taking a break from TS (or rather, giving y’all a break from my deep sadness) would help. But being hit by this fourth death on Thursday, I’m not seeing relief anytime soon. I have zero desire to drink. I’m holding on to that piece of goodness. I come here and read the gratitude thread and a few others, looking for some hope, but nothing. I know that interaction and connection with others is healing, but I can’t find that in threads about coffee cups or what nicknames mean or in funny memes. I’ve tried. I’m not asking the mods to delete my account, but other than to check messages, I won’t be around much anymore. I believe TS is a great space for those wanting to be social, but sadly, it’s not for me. Everyone heals in their own ways, and I’m not trying to demean anyone’s ways. This is about me and my need for something less focused on socializing. I sincerely appreciate and love those of you who have taken time to get to know me and have supported me these past 7 months. I wish many blessings for you all. :purple_heart::pray:t3:

P.S. If you know me, then you know that I’ve typed and deleted and re-worded this post several times. I’m always so conscious of hurting someone’s feelings, and I sincerely hope I don’t. I’m proud of those of you who’ve found ways to fit in here that work for your sobriety. You’re all on my heart. I love you. :heart:


Huge hugs Carolyn 🫂
I can only imagine how upsetting and exhausting and “emptying” losing so many people so close to u has been for u. I don’t have many words. And u are right, everyone has different coping skills when it comes to loss and grief. U have always been a huge contributor to TS, and I am not trying to convince u otherwise of ur decision to take a break from here. But plz always know that we are all here for u in whatever way u need support. U don’t have to hurt alone. If ever ur not feeling safe in ur recovery plz remember to come back. Thinking of u and truly, truly hoping that some sense of inner peace and calmness comes to u… sooner than later xo


Thanks so much for your sweet selves. :heart::slightly_smiling_face: @Lorelai @Butterflymoonwoman I appreciate your kindness.


How r u managing today?

You are Always on my heart and prayers Moxie. Big hugs to you. Prayers to you for healing and continued strength. You will be missed. :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


Lots of questions I am pondering lately…


Sending you love. Sometimes space is all we have to hold onto in times of immense grief. I am glad you aren’t alone in this. :heartpulse:



This is very interesting! Hmmm… something to think about for sure!

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I like these kinds of prompts for journal entries, at least to get me going on writing.

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What book is that Rebecca that is awesome!


Sending big hugs and strength Carolyn!

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Damn bro I needed to hear this right now, thank you for posting this :sunglasses::metal:t2:

I stole it lol :laughing: But I’ll find out for yas :grin:


It’s this one Rob :grin:




Awesome thank you! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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