Oh wow…all these on self care and vulnerability your posting are and this one wow!
I share this one a lot.
This is mind blowing amazing. Thank you so much for sharing this. Love it.
Mel, these posts you’ve made are all so thought provoking and very useful - thank you. A lot to contemplate.
Do not underestimate. I love this - it’s challenging the assumptions people make too often. And we can do this to ourselves, too.
Awwww that’s rad! It was hanging in the intake office at work
Ohhhhh thats nice lol!
I. Love. This.
"In my disappointment
Let me comfort myself
In my fear
Let me reassure myself
In my anger
Let me calm myself
In my stress
Let me listen to myself
In my confusion
Let me organise myself
In my uncertainty
Let me find clarity
In my heartbreak
Let me find healing and closure
In my self-doubt
Let me find confidence
In my loneliness
Let me be at home with myself
In my stress
Let me soothe myself
In my struggle
Let me be still
In my weariness
Let me rest
In my pain
Let me heal and recuperate
In my sadness
Let me purge my emotions
In my failure
Let me recover
And in my regret
Let me release all burdens of the past
So that I may re-emerge
Strong, capable
And ready to take on life once more."
Words by Tahlia Hunter
Oh I love this…and have found it to be true for myself.