Milele’s road to recovery in SLAA

:joy: I understood that reference!

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So last autumn I did a course to be an expert by experience, which is kinda like a mental health peer support person. You can also be a expert by experience if you have for instance adhd, or are a recovering alcoholic, the list goes on!

So I don’t become a professional health care worker, but I can work alongside them, telling my story of recovery to students becoming nurses or doctors, or organise peer support groups, this list goes on as well!

Anyhow, I just had a gig, where I told my story to a group who are also becoming experts by experience as an example of how to tell your story. So usually it would take me around 10-15 mins to tell it, but this time they asked for “a short 30-45 mins speech”. So I had to come with more things to say than usual, but in the end it went really well! The people asked questions and shared rather painful things from their life, and I felt privileged that I made them comfortable enough to share such intimate things with me.

Slaa recovery wise things are going rather well. Have been able to fantasise less and less as I’ve worked through the first 3 steps.

Mental health wise I’m still in a bit of a slump, but I’m confident that I’ll get through this.

Have a great sober day everyone! :cherry_blossom::heart:


Awww, you :heart: Thank you so much! :heart::pray:t3:

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So delighted it went well !! So proud of you!

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Thank you so much Larissa! :pray:t3::heart:

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I’ve had the most wonderful yet exhausting past two days!

So the organisation that I volunteer for the mental health support arranged a trip for us volunteers and such to a hotel/spa resort. All expenses paid. It was lovely.

We had a full on schedule, all kinds of activities in the nature and then some spa/sauna time.

Came home today, and am absolutely knackered! But it feels good. Now I just need to remember to be mindful, because if I think of HALT, t=tiredness is a big trigger for me.

So here’s me checking in sober. I hope y’all have a great sober day!

Oh, here’s a booklet cover that I made there, using coloured beeswax to paint. And obviously I used all of my favourite colours.


Thank you. I agree :dagger::crossed_swords::shield:

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Oh heck yeah I did!! It was amazing. And thank you, first time trying that! :smiley:

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yay Milele, sooo happy that you had a great time.


Love that!!! :joy::joy::joy:

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Thank you Andy! I had such a wonderful time! :relaxed:

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wait… does this mean @Dazercat has joined the meeting before? And I fucking missed it!!! Son of a *****. Guess I’ll have to join more of those meetings


Yeah, he’s been sighted once! :smiley:



I was going to write something earlier, but life and lovely summer days here in the north got in the way! :sunny::strawberry::sunglasses:

So last Saturday I had an official stepping up ceremony. I’m now going into step 4. In the ceremony there were just me and my sponsor, and she asked me some questions regarding the first three steps and then we read some passages from the AA big book and the 12&12 book. And we lit 5 candles. Here are mine. They all represent something in my recovery.

Then on Monday I had a slaa meeting, where I was stepped up officially.

My sponsor told me that her sponsor had said to her fairly recently that she cannot sponsor her at this point anymore. She just had a lot on her plate. This means, my sponsor cannot really sponsor me until she finds a sponsor. We will know more this week. I really like my sponsor and if it comes to it, it’s gonna be hard to let her go. But I pray that she’ll find one, and we can continue, if it’s meant to be.

However, I might have to look for another sponsor, because I don’t want to lose the momentum of doing the steps.

Keep up the good work sober fellows! I hope you’ll have a great sober day! :hugs::star_struck:


Look at you go…
Love it!

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Thank you Danni! :hugs::heart: It has been a hell of a ride for sure! :sweat_smile:

Yay for step 4. I’m really happy that you are doing so well and also enjoying the steps.


Thank you Andy! :hugs::heart:

Wow,as I’m reading you guys talking about anorexia in this sense it’s really informative,and I’m learning more about you too KevinesKay. Thanks for sharing.