Milele’s road to recovery in SLAA

Oh hello, nice to see you here! :smiley:

Hi Victorious.

It’s nice to see you again. :slightly_smiling_face:

6 months today!

So I talked with my sponsor on Saturday and she said she he still hasn’t got a new sponsor for her. That means I’ll have to keep looking now also.

Otherwise things are ok. I do stress about my dad’s estate issues, wanted to talk with my brother today about it, but couldn’t reach him.

Also I’m gonna go to a beautician tomorrow morning. I got a gift card for it from my friends when I turned 40 this year, and am gonna get my toe nails done. Something to look forward to!

Have a great sober day everyone! :sparkling_heart:


Congratulations to you.

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Thank you! :pray:t3:

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kokonainen lause

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Kiitos paljon! :heart::pray:t3:

It sure is, thank you! *virtual high five

Thank you my friend! :pray:t3::heart: Wouldn’t be here here without all y’all help and cheering!

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Felicitaciones Milele for the 6 months!!! WUJUUUUU!!! Hope everything with the issues of the estate gets better.
Have a great time tomorrow!!


SO Awesome Miele !! :cherry_blossom::tada:


How did I miss this?! 6 months is a huge accomplishment. So proud of you!

Congratulations!! :tada:

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Thank you Lisa! :pray:t3::heart: Wouldn’t be here without TS.

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Thanks Olivia

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Thanks, I know I’ve been MIA lol

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D 200

Been a bit quiet here. I still don’t have a sponsor, but am talking with someone who might be a potential one. Here’s hoping and praying.

I’ll be travelling tomorrow to the town I grew up in. My friend from back there told me that I can stay at theirs, and that I don’t need to worry about travelling expenses. :sob::heart::pray:t3: It’ll be nice to visit there.

I hope everyone is doing well and being sober! :two_hearts:


Thank you dear! :heartbeat:
I shall! :sunglasses:

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200 päivää on tosi upee saavutus!! Onnea!!!



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200!!! Felicitaciones!!!
Have a great time in your trip!!!

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