Milele’s road to recovery in SLAA

Thank you for this Lisa! She is indeed precious :heart:


Shoutout to my extremely wonderful champions @Olivia and @anon27760155 Couldn’t cope without you two :heart::heart::heart:


Back to day 0. Had a hook up again with the same person. I had some urges yesterday, they went up and down. At some point during the day, I was sure that I was strong enough to fight the urges. But truth be told, I wasn’t.

I had a very good talk with this person. We both agree that meeting up like this isn’t the way to go about it.


@Milele thank you for your great honesty.
I am in day 18 after a terrible relapse. Please don’t give up. You are an inspiration and the days of sobriety count. No matter what


Just have to get back to work, do what you where doing to get to 9 months reach out do meetings or therapy if it would help, stay positive and dont let it take over start the cycle all over again. Do the best you can 1day at a time.


D 8. I feel like we’ve finally come to a conclusion with that guy I’ve been seeing, that it’s not good for us to continue the way we did. I know we tried it earlier, but the urges always drew us back. Anyway, I feel that it’s behind us now.

So one neighbour of mine has been asking me to come and see her, she is an older lady, who lives alone. I haven’t really spoken with her, but it was so lovely to meet her today and have a proper chat. I might see her on this coming Saturday also!

And finally, now I can say, that both the apartment that my Mum owns and my Mum’s and Dad’s house (my childhood home) are in the market and hopefully getting sold soon.

Also, last night when I couldn’t sleep, I went to my balcony and there was a beautiful full moon with a halo effect and I saw some northern lights!! So beautiful! I wish I could show you a picture but I don’t have a good enough camera in my use to have good pictures of them, as it needs long exposure.

I hope everyone is having a great sober day! :star_struck:


Proud of you x


Thank you Danni! :heart::hugs:

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It’ll be day 39. I feel more confident about sobriety again.

I haven’t really heard from that friend whom I hooked up with, and the last time he was here, and he wanted sex, I was able to make clear that I don’t want to. There’s definitely something there saying no to your doc. He did text me one night, but I was already asleep so, didn’t have to deal with that.

On Sunday it caught a wee cold, no fever or anything, just a sore throat and a runny nose. And now all I have is a persistent cough. But that seems to be easing up also.

The selling process of my mum’s and dad’s house is still on the go, and the apartment that my mum owns has also been taken off the market as there was a reasonable offer made. So those things are rolling.

Next week I’ll have three expert by experience (or mental health peer support) gigs. One of them will be at the local mental hospital, it’s a mental health recovery group, and am looking forward to that one, well, I guess I’m looking forward to all of them. I enjoy talking about my experiences, and I think every time there’s been good feedback and good discussions and questions from the listeners.

I hope everyone is having a great sober day! :yellow_heart:


Good for you Milele! Happy for you :innocent:


Thank you Matt! :pray:t3:

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Sooooooo proud of you Milele, You are doing an amazing job!!

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Thank you Andy! :yellow_heart::pray:t3:

Day 45.

2/3 mental health peer support gigs - check :white_check_mark:

Yesterday we were at this youth centre, introducing the organisation I work with, and talking about the importance of mental health.

Some of the teens just kept to themselves, playing table tennis and such. But the ones that talked with us were engaged and interested, and I’m glad we were able to touch base with them and bring awareness of our organisation. While I sometimes feel disoriented with teens because of my background of being bullied at school, this was a good experience.

Today I went to the local psychiatric hospital, and I was asked to tell my story to a group in mental health recovery. I really enjoyed that too. I’ll join them again in March next year or somewhere there.

Tomorrow’s one will be more of a standard gig, where I’ll speak to a group of social and health department workers. Should be good!

Sobriety is going well at the moment. No too strong desires to act out. Just taking it one day at a time.

Take care everyone! And have a great sober day! :two_hearts:


I reached a milestone of 60 days today.

Things are ok. Had a busy few days, we had training days for my mental health peer support work. We had a basic first aid training, and then we did some crafts. I made this traditional Christmas decoration, it’s like this hanging mobile thing. Traditionally they were made of hay straws, but we made them with ikea bought paper straws. Never made one before!

I hope everyone is having a great sober day! :purple_heart::yellow_heart:


Nice to “see” you @Milele … sweet decoration! What is the name of it?

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Thanks! :heart_eyes: We call it ’himmeli’, I wasn’t able to find a proper translation for it in English :see_no_evil:


It is very intricate! ( and not too intuitive to make) Enjoy your first himmeli! If you make any of your wonderful food, please share? Happy holidays!

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Thank you Alisa! I wasn’t sure if I was gonna finish it on time, but here we are :smiley: At first I thought that “oh man, this is gonna be hard”, but once I got the hang of it, it was quite the zen thing to make! :relaxed:

Let’s see what happens around Christmas time :wink: Might bake :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Congratulations on reaching the 2 month milestone. I’m glad to see that you’re still plugging away. Great job!