Mind Blowing Random Thoughts #2

Lol. For sure! I have a healthy BM every morning! :joy:

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This is not exactly a fact, but facts about theories. For many decades the Pacific Northwest has been a notable area for its sightings of a mysterious creature known by many names: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, etc. Evidence of Bigfoot has been poor at best with only grainy images and videos to put proof to its existence. Even with the increase in technology, most notably being smartphone cameras, no greater documentation has been acquired.

Myths and legends from Native Americans back up all these claims. There have certainly been thousands of claims of seeing Bigfoot, however shaky and unreliable this type of evidence may be. Hundreds of thousands of acres of inaccessible forested/mountainous terrain would create innumerable territories for Bigfoot families to make homes of, completely safe from the threat/risk of encountering humans.

Still, there are societies dedicated to finding and proving the existence of Bigfoot. Currently there is a 2.1 million dollar reward for the capture of a Bigfoot. An annual Bigfoot festival takes place in Honobia, Oklahoma to discuss rumors, sightings/evidence, and tracking attempts.


The Lunar Maria is so called by the Latin translation of Mare, meaning Seas. Many Lunar Maria (dark spots) were named because they looked like there ought to be oceans or seas in their places. In reality, these Lunar seas are actually solidified lava flows, billions of years younger than the surface of the moon.

A selection of these are gracefully named:

  • Sea of Rains
  • Sea of Clouds
  • Sea of Serenity
  • Sea of Crises
  • Sea of Tranquility
  • Sea of Fertility
  • Sea of Nectar
  • Frigid Sea
  • Ocean of Storms

The Moro Relfex in babies is exhibited by the infant reaching their arms out for stabilization when startled or when experiencing the falling sensation. After about 4 months the Frontal Lobe is developed enough to override this reflex and replace it with the Startle Reflex. This neurological response is the fight/flight reaction found in humans and many other species.


In many jurisdictions, Police Officers will touch the boot/tail light of a car that they have pulled over. This places their fingerprints on the vehicle in case something should happen to them during the encounter.


A molten bead of glass with a tail is called a Prince Rupert’s Drop. This bead of glass is considered almost indestructible, aside from its one vulnerability, the tail. Breaking any part of the tail will cause the entirety for the drop to shatter into a fine dust. Prince Rupert’s Drops have even been known to not only withstand, but even destroy bullets shot at them. Sometimes in this experiment the bullet will cause vibrations in the tails, which then shatters the drop. You can watch a video on this here:


Japanese immortal jellyfish are the only known lifeforms to be theoretically immortal.


These are super cool. It’s not really a true immortality, as one would assume it being a jellyfish that floats the ocean tides for eternity. Instead it recycles its cells. This may take on many different forms to negate its body’s degradation. Here’s a graphic:


Diatoms are the only known lifeforms to be part carbon/part silicone based.

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Love the explanation btw made me want to look it up all over again haha

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The term “a buttload” of fill in the blank originates from medieval England. The “Butt” was a measurement of volume equalling two Hogsheads (a cask of liquid, most commonly wine or ale).


Thought I’d make the research on this one easier :grin:

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The universe is flat… (& no, I’m not a flat earther nor conspiracy theorist haha, it’s mainstream science)


There are still over 100 ‘uncontacted tribes’ throughout the Amazon, Papua New Guinea and on North Sentinal Island!


The Amazon is a crazy huge place. Some places are just so far out inaccessible, it’s no wonder why it’s unexplored.

I searched for this so I didnt start my own thread :sweat_smile:

My random thought: the hound was the best game of thrones character



When someone hangs themselves, if they are of a heavier build does it make the death quicker?? Or does lack of oxygen have a time frame? Like it takes 4 mins of no oxygen to die/not how strangled you are??

My dad hung himself 2 years ago and he was a BIG guy and I wonder if that made it quicker? :thinking:


Real Christmas trees spoil Christmas; I had one one year and a dieing tree in my front room spoiled the vibe. Watching it wilt away (even though I watered it!!) Was awful and I just thought it was a waste. Like how long did it take to get to that size then for someone to cut it down for it then to die in someones front room, surrounded by presents and tinsel no less. That’s some ed gein shit for the tree world. Monsters.

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There are a lot of factors with that. It would be hard to say with certainty one way or the other.

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You know what I mean though?? (Sorry for the grim conversation for anyone that reading btw…) like it’s the weight of the body/length/thickness of the roap? I suppose it does as the did that when hanging was a corporal punishment, like a sick mathematics… but if someones doing it on their own?? Well theres a lot to take into account… I guess.

I feel like I need to add this incase anyone is reading/getting ideas.

Pls dont. The world is better with you in it :heart: