Mind Blowing Random Thoughts #2

Meanwhile everyone is wondering if penguins have knees, I’m sitting here wondering if fish ever get thirsty…:thinking:


Seems im a cat living a past life

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According to Bilbo Baggins, fish are “Always Thirsty, Ever Drinking”.



If I pop in here, I should at least contribute a little bit.

Dieffenbachia Amoena, commonly known as Dumb Cane is a tropical house plant that gets its name from the Raphides (stinging crystals composed of calcium oxalate) in the plant’s stems. Unaware individuals who consume the plant find that their vocal chords are temporarily speechless.


Pop in more often! I miss your facts :nerd_face:


I will try to do that. I need to as well. I’ve not been very sober. I ride the relapse train every other month it seems lately. Life is just exhausting and I’m a naturally lazy person that doesn’t do enough for my own mental health.


In terms of Genocide, the Holocaust remains as one of history’s most prominent. However, there have been countless other comparable travesties. One notable genocide was the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire during World War I between 1915-1916. During this time the Committee of Progress and Union feared Armenian aggression and attempts to break free from the Empire, because of the occupation of their homeland in eastern Anatolia. This was not the case, but CUP decided that the Armenian people were a threat to the empire, and soon began mass-deporting Armenians by doing “death marches” into the Syrian Desert, while depriving them of food, water and subjecting them to robbery, rape and massacre. Surviving Armenians were then forcibly converted to Islam and integrated into Muslim households. An estimated 90% of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were killed during these events.


As a Middle Earth aficionado you had me confused for a moment there. I knew it was Gollum’s question to Bilbo and not he other way around, but had to look it up to also remember it was “Never Thirsty, Ever Drinking” You joker you. It’s good to see you DungeonMaster. Life is exhausting but in my recent experience drinking made it even more tiring. And sobriety certainly gives me more energy to fight the lethargy.

Not much to add to the Armenian Genocide although many other Genocides could be mentioned. Once started I could go on for a long time. Not now.


It pops up as recent thread on your newsfeed as someone recently commented on an older thread :blush:


I guess Salty straighten you out there.
I love it too. Guess that makes 3 of us here :blush:

Dolphins use pufferfish to get high. They pass them amongst the group almost like humans would share a joint!


Dang. I don’t claim to be a scholar of Tolkien Lore. Never got all the way through Two Towers. I always kept falling asleep whenever I would read. I’ve listened to several audio productions on it, and watched all the extended versions of the movies several times. Neither of those make me well versed in LotR though. Thanks for the correction!

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In 2009 the xfactor winner was tipped as the christmas number 1 (again) as a protest against the plastic pop culture there was a uk facebook campaign to stop it…and to make the 1992 Rage Against The Machine song “killing in the name of” our Christmas number 1 instead. (Yes I downloaded it)
We succeeded!!
This mind blowing fact of a country in peaceful protest makes me very proud to be British :grin:


The Pennsylvania Dutch actually aren’t Dutch nor do they speak Dutch. They’re of German decent and speak their own unique brand of German that happens to be named Pennsylvania Dutch but has nothing to do with my Dutch language. The explanation for this is rather longwinded.
Suffices for me to say that the Germans call themselves Deutsche, their language Deutsch and their country Deutschland. While we, the Dutch, call ourselves Nederlanders, our country Nederland and our language Nederlands. And the country to our east we call Duitsland, with Duits speaking Duitsers in it.
It has to do with that but is more complicated. The language that was spoken in the Netherlands and the adjecent part of Germany (although Germany didn’t exist until 1871) in the middle ages we call Diets. OK.


And it’s actually a language that was associated with a single group of immigrants, the Amish sect who settled in Eastern Pennsylvania, and kept moving west to Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and beyond.


On March 11, 2011, the Tohuku Earthquake caused a Tsunami to Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Ōkuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. The resulting nuclear meltdown caused an estimated 18,000 deaths and between 8-22 trillion Yen worth of damage. This marks one of the worst Nuclear disaster in world history, comparable to the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.


A town in Austria bordered by Germany named Braunau am Inn has a notable history for 2 specific people. The first is Adolf Hitler, as this was where he was born. The second is only well known to the locals though. A regarded mayor by the name of Hans Steininger was well known for his lengthy beard (137cm). One night in 1567 a fire broke out causing a panic amongst the town folk. Hans’ beard, normally tucked safely into his pocket, came out in the mad rush down a flight of stairs. Subsequently, he stepped on his beard and tripped, falling down the stairs, breaking his neck and died. The towns people clipped his beard to display it in the museum.


From morning to evening, one can vary in height up to a full inch (2.54cm). This is due to loss of fluid retention in spinal discs coupled with cartilaginous compression over the course of the day. So, if you’re going to measure yourself, do it in the morning.


Similarly there are diurnal weight fluctuations tied to eating and sleeping patterns.

I find it best for consistency (and flattery) to weigh in after my “…morning constitutional.” :eyes: