Mind Blowing Random Thoughts #2

It is tradition for things to change.


Yeah, Marsupials are definitely Nature’s fork in the outlet moment.


I think god just put all these shapes together and went “hehe look funny”

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The US based company AT&T stands for American Telephone and Telegraph. Perhaps a bit outdated of a name, but most people are unaware of the true meaning.


Yeah, the Incas and Aztecs didn’t like to mess around. They were very brutal and bloody. When I get time, maybe I’ll write about their blood sports.




lol. Maybe if you’re tense and aggravated. Probably a lot less than that with normal pronunciation though!

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The planet K2-141b, was found around 200 light years away from Earth and has winds of more than 3,000 mph (4830 kph) and surface temperatures over 5,000F (2760C). It also rains rocks and has 60-mile deep lava seas. With some of the most extreme conditions found in the universe, this has been coined the Hell Planet.


That’s where they set the game doom!


Left handed people have a 39% higher chance to be gay than right handed ones. This was shown in a big study done in 2000, in a time when it was still very controversial to point to biological causes for homosexuality. This study was one of the causes for changing that viewpoint.
Left handed gay guy here BTW :sunglasses:


The dad of North Korea’s current leader Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-il, was born 80 years ago today. He was born at the Mount Paektu area in Korea, the mythical place of origin of the Korean people, where his father Kim Il-sung ran a guerrilla camp.
At the night of his birth a bright star appeared on the sky, and guerrilla fighters carved messages on trees proclaiming: “Three Heroes Shining in Korea with the Spirit of Mount Paekdu: Kim Il Sung, Kim Chŏng-suk, and Kwangmyŏngsŏng (‘The Bright Star’)” and “Oh! Korea! The Paekdu Star Was Born!”
Today and tomorrow this great historical happening, known as The Day of the Shining Star, is celebratated in North Korea with military parades and mass demonstrations. Everybody is happy.

Of course the imperialist revisionist capitalist rest of the world has another version of events that reads that Kim-Jong-il was born in February 1941 to Kim Il-sung and Kim Chŏng-suk in Siberia in the Soviet Union, where his father had been in exile because of his guerrilla activities. The guerrillas were based in Manchuria at the time and Kim himself had been to the Soviet Far East before and after Kim Jong-il’s birth. But this clearly is vile propaganda.


Lol. NK is the poster child for fake propoganda. I’m certain that it’s people are anything but happy on any day in North Korea. I remember reading about how there’s an entire fake town on the border of NK where they allow people to tour. Everyone is an actor trying to show the supposed prosperity and order they have.

Also, interesting fact about lefties!

@SinceIAwoke :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You’re probably right! Unfortunately, pretty sure chainsaws melt at that temperature.

@BroccoliHighKicks I totally get what you’re saying about space being unfathomable. I mean, considering the fact that one light-year is about 6 trillion miles (9 trillion km), this Hell Planet is literally over 200 years of light speed travel away (and we’ve only ever achieved a measly 450,000 mph in space). At our current technology, traveling that speed, it would take us over 13.3 million years to get there :exploding_head:.

Let’s get crazier here though! The Hell Planet is basically a neighbor to us, since our Milky Way galaxy is roughly 105,700 light years across. Zoom out. The closest galaxy to ours, the Andromeda Galaxy is a whopping 2.5 million light years from Earth.

Not trying to cause you a mental break down. Try to separate yourself from it!



When can I move!!!


Very cool! I guess there are several planets that are considered habitable. I’m not even sure how they know all the stuff they do about these planets, honestly. Like, how do they know that those Hell Planet seas are 60 miles deep? Physics is the most likely answer. But, then I wonder how they could possibly know what atmospheres are made up of solely based on viewing them from earth.

In the end, that’s super cool that there are other potentially livable planets out there; however, getting there is currently impossible without some very large leaps in technology.

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Its pretty interesting, really unfathomable, im trying to still wrap my head around the speed of light. Like they use to say, its far out man lol, science, and physics always leave so much to the imagination. Just so much information out there, i was amazed to see all the different planets they keep finding out there

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The most commonly fractured bone in the body is the Clavicle (collar bone).


I thought a clavicle is a music instrument :sweat_smile:


@anon57836609 :rofl:

The Swedish Nyckelharpa is an instrument that might be viewed as a hybrid between a guitar and a violin or harp. Literal translation into English it is a Keyed Harp. This is similar to a Hurdy-Gurdy in play, minus the hand crank. Records date the Nyckelharpa as being up to 600 years old.