Mind Blowing Random Thoughts

This is 100% me except I’m not German. Oddly dressed, station wagon with a case, public park, passing out. Check, check, check, aaaaandnn check.


Jun. 17th mind blowing random thought of the day: Approx. 60% of the plastic pollution found in the world’s oceans comes from only 5 countries: China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines.


Jun. 18th mind blowing random thought of the day: It is estimated that a person says 300 to 1,000 words to him or herself every minute


Jun. 19th mind blowing random thought of the day: The last hanging in the United States was performed in Delaware in 1996 to execute convicted murderer Billy Bailey.


When I first read this, I thought it said drivers… and I thought “well that doesnt make any sense” then I had an image pop in my head of a beluga whale sitting in the back seat of a taxi cab… just wanted to share that with y’all because it made me laugh


Jun. 20th mind blowing random thought of the day: Approx. half of all people with a latex allergy also have allergic reactions when eating avocados, bananas, chestnuts, kiwifruit, passionfruit, plums, strawberries and tomatoes. This is because their proteins are similar.


Jun. 21st mind blowing random thought of the day: Built around the year 126 C.E., the Greek Pantheon has remained as the world’s largest unreinforced concrete dome.


:exploding_head::exploding_head: I feel the urge to watch Seinfeld now

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Jun. 22nd mind blowing random thought of the day: Known as the fraternal birth order effect, a biological study published in 1998 by Dr. Ray Blanchard, Ph.D. revealed that the more older brothers a man has by the same mother, the higher the probability that he will be gay. Furthermore, each older brother increases the odds of homosexuality in a later born brother by up to 33 percent.


Jun. 23rd mind blowing random thought of the day: Singer Johnny Cash, who also worked from 1950 to 1954 as a U.S. military code breaker assigned to the cryptographic intelligence unit in order to intercept Soviet Morse code, was the first American to pass along the news that Russian leader Joseph Stalin had died.


@Eke mind blowing random thought of the day: Reflecting the original purpose of transporting people and luggage between train stations and country estates, the vehicle body style is called a “station wagon” in North America and an “estate car” or “estate” in the UK.


If misery loves company, does happiness love isolation?

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Jun. 24th mind blowing random thought of the day: President John Quincy Adams believed so strongly that the Earth was hollow that he approved an expedition at taxpayer expense to prove it.


Comforting to know our tax paying dollars have been getting wasted for centuries now :joy:


Pizza in Italy is definitely better than anywhere else in the world. It’s not just something people say.


Jun. 25th mind blowing random thought of the day: Earth’s moon is more than 20 times the size of all the contents of the asteroid belt that lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter combined.


Jun. 26th mind blowing random thought of the day: In 2007, Iranian intelligence agents caught and detained 14 squirrels because they thought that the animals were spies.


@Eke mind blowing thought of the day: An asteroid between Jupiter and Mars is believed to be carrying enough precious metals that, if brought to earth, would be enough for every person on the planet to be nearly trillionaires.

Or, y’know, maybe they just wouldn’t be so precious anymore.


Surely you’re joking. Just your friendly neighborhood squirrels, is all.


Nothing to see here, carry on.


Haha! If you’re a fantasy reader, Elantris by Brandon Sanderson is interesting. The people of Elantris were always starving, but were considered dead. They didnt have to eat, even though they had ravenous hunger. Without the need for food, there was no class system. No one was above another.

Everything we do in this world is based on survival. Food, shelter, love, etc. Wealth is generally utilized to provide us shelter and sustenance. Without the need for food, we would all be on much more equal ground.

Aside from that, what makes something of great worth? Either it has sentimental value or it is scarce. Gold is worth a lot because people cant just dig it up in their back yard.