Missing piece of the puzzle

I’ve got a good amount of sobriety under my belt. Over a year. But it’s been rocky. I feel like I’m missing something valuable to my recovery, but I don’t know what. Like there’s something I should know or be doing to feel stronger in this but I can’t figure out what it is. I moved to another city that I don’t associate with partying, I come here for support, lean on a friend for advice and support, went to counseling, I’m on medication, attended a few online AA meetings due to work restrictions, and I work multiple recovery workbooks and am working on my faith. But there’s still something I don’t have. Anyone know this feeling or have any suggestions??


Only have four months. For me, working the steps with my sponsor and becoming part of a sober community has unlocked things I’m not sure the online support has provided (much as I love you all and important as this place is to me :heart:). Also reconnecting with friends I had pushed away. Of course isolation was a big part of my drinking, to give some sense where that’s coming from.

Have you been able to find “your people” in your new city?


That’s one thing I’m lacking, new friends. I have a few friends that’ll always be around but I don’t really have any sober friends. I would loovveeee to have some sober friends


Maybe more sober activities? Like a gym, hiking (dunno where you live :thinking:), a painting class or the like. That is, going more with the socializing route.

I dunno. Any great passions you’re burning to pursue?

And I remember well moving to California. It took years to build strong new friendships, and that only came in fits and starts, even taken for granted when it came. It was so tough getting back out there after spending a lifetime somewhere else.


I will have 8 months soon, and I have been feeling that a lot lately. I’m guessing for me it’s not having more sober people in my life. Not saying it’s a “hobby” or anything, but it’s definitely something that needs attention everyday, or almost every day. And without others to interact with about it, it could feel lonely I guess. My solution was AA/SMART and I’m sure everyone who has seen me post about them is like Why don’t you go already!?! And I will. And I think it will fill that void.

Also, just finding more things to do with my day that are exciting, new, different, and work my brain as well as my body.


Have you considered climbing?
It’s a deeply cerebral, and emotional, exercise.
It’s hard and scary and fun all at once.
Plus, if you get good at at, you get to wear a sweet helmet! :wink:


Me or the OP? either way, I love the suggestion. I just started doing it about a month ago at a climbing gym. It is the most exciting thing I’ve done in a long time. My boys and I have memberships and we’re getting climbing gear for Xmas.


Yeah, I was asking you.
Does that count as cross-talk?
Sorry group. :confused:

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Haha I think you’re good- I totally didn’t remember i said I was feeling the same as the OP 🤷 LOL I just finished a workout and I’m dead

and does that kind of climbing with the helmet, is that outdoors or is that free climbing?

Pretty much any climbing where your friends throw rocks at your head requires a helmet.

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I like your friends