Moderation Attempts Failed Me Too Many Times

Back to day 1, unfortunately.
Guys night out at the hockey game last night got the upper hand on me.
I thought I was past drinking to the point of F-ing up my sleep and next day, but I’m not there yet.
Back to ODAAT, and hopefully getting a decent streak back going.
On the plus side, I got my daughter ready early this morning, and put together a beef stew in the slow cooker, and have hustled with work so far. Hopefully I can still be useful and helpful at home tonight.

Sorry to hear. I found it really helpful to avoid situations where I would be tempted until I felt a little more solid in my ability to say no. I also found it helpful to remember why I was no longer drinking.

I kept a long list of why on my phone and when I felt like ‘just a drink or two’ I read that list and it reminded me of the reality of drinking versus the fantasy. Might be helpful for you as well.

Glad you are still here. Don’t give up. It takes what it takes.


Thank you for your kind and insightful words, @SassyRocks

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It sounds like a slip for you and not a full blown relapse. You got this man. Stay grateful and positive

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Thank you! @Shawn15

Day 95.
For the first time in years as of yesterday, i’ve gotten to a great place at my office work where I’m able to keep up, and i don’t have any major looming deadlines stressing me out.
I now don’t have any excuses to keep putting off my housework projects, neglecting my weight training, and avoiding a distance ed course I’ve been postponing since October.
I’m getting a hard reminder this week of how dependent I’ve been on external sources of dopamine and stimulation to ‘medicate’ and get through my days for pretty much my entire adult life. You know them. Internet addiction, after-work drinks, lounging around, etc.
It’s just me versus life now. Fighting through the distraction temptations every waking minute of the day.
Bring it on.
I’ve got this.

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