Momming is hard

I am just a hot mess today. Invision that person from Seinfeld yelling ,serenity now!!! That was me. I have 3 children 5 years and younger. 1 boy and twin girls. Let me tell you my twins are like two drunk girls fighting at the bar and it’s ridiculous at times !!! This pandemic has really done a number on us all and I’m soooo glad I’ve survived but now I want to actually thrive and be happy but why is it so darn hard sometimes as a mom ? Between all the daily cleaning , laundry, cooking, caring for the kids And struggling mental illness, alcoholism, relationship problems , financial and then add the kids not behaving and it’s just hard but I tell you what those kids save my life. No matter how hard it gets I rather be present in this all. They made me realize I didn’t want to be how I was anymore trappped behind the bottle and running away from my problems . Today I face my life head on even when it’s hard and uncomfortable. I just wish sometimes parenting was a little easier and my kids didn’t test me so much but I think God is testing me and I’ll tell you what I have no desire to drink I have 28 months sober of alcohol and I can thank God for pulling me through.


Thank you! As corny as some of the cliches are— One day at a time is so damn true.


Holy duck I’m being tested with my patience every hour sometimes minutes lol!!! I love my kids but man patience is soooooo hard at times and so many people think I’m some rockstar mom when I’m reality I’m just me trying to do the best I can when I’m that meme of the dog in the room on fire and the dog is saying this is fine.


You’re a rockstar and doing it!!! I look up to you and tip my hat to you as well. First of all 28months is incredible and look forward to achieving what you have done. I am a father and will say if it wasn’t for mommas we would be screwed. Keep up the stellar work!!!


I feel you so much, being a parent is a lot of responsibility. So much more has been added to our plates with this pandemic.

I truly believe it does get easier! Or maybe we learn how to juggle things better and also learn to put down the things in life that are not necessary.

I found letting go is a skill learned in parenting, just like patience. I was so uptight when my kids were little. I was paranoid and scared of their safety, so I was overly controlling…and I was worried about them experiencing the same things I went through growing up so I was trying too hard to make things perfect.

Turns out kids just need acceptance, affection, & affirmations. We’re humans too and we make mistakes. Also, I’ve learned that apologizing to my kids when my expectations are skewed is better than always trying to teach them a lesson.

Anyways, things get better! Especially if you’re sober :heart:


Fabulous user name btw.


you’re doing a wonderful job at parenting! truly gods work, if you ask me. and while fighting those addict demons! here are some virtual flowers. :bouquet::heart:


You ain’t kidding! It’s so hard. You are doing a great job. We all have our days. :yellow_heart:


Congrats on 28 months and congrats on holding it together during this pandemic. Hands down, parenting is the hardest job out there. They say God only gives us what we can handle but there’s many days I question it. :joy:


You are my inspiration! 28 months is an epic amount of time. Parenting is hard and I think you are doing great at it. You truly are amazing :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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That’s amazing 28months is a massive achievement keep up the good work… and what working… three kids is no joke while struggling with your own issuers also but you sound like to me that you have it all down… you come have this far and you are doing amazing… one day at a time is right… and you deserve to give yourself a bit of credit… you are doing a fantastic job…


Congratulations on 28 months @Momofchaosandcoffee Jocelyn. What a great job. And you are a wonderful mom! Having 3 little ones under the age of 5 must be really hard! Parenting is a huge challenge, I have 2 boys and with this pandemic it makes everything much more complicated. Work. Sitting. Working. Chaos… Yes it is chaos but I keep telling myself that these kids keep me sane. They are the ones that it’s truly worthy not to drink anymore. Not to let myself go anymore. They have a right and they are in need of a healthy mom. For them we are the world. And they are everything I have what really counts in my life. We will get through all of this. One day the pandemic will be gone and the kids will grow and it makes everything easier… And believe me I’m running out of patience too sometimes… It’s hard but we are all in this together. It’s good to meet people that feel the same and have the same experience :heart:


Girl you deserve a noble prize. Moms don’t get enough credit. At all… I am turning 41, I do not have kids nor do I want kids at this point in my life. I can barely keep my own sh%& together let alone keep alive and look after little humans!?!.. This is for you - :trophy::1st_place_medal: :heart:


Court you are a brilliant mum :100::v::heartpulse::tada:


Awe thanks April! :kissing_heart::yellow_heart:

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