Movies Check-in / Reviews šŸ“¼

I liked Brat and Brat 2. a lot, great movies! Also would like to watch Corpus Christi but it isnā€™t on netflix yet.

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Yeah, it was a massive cult film back then. Also had a cool soundtrack.

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I watched this movie when I was 15 and it scared the shit out of me. I think itā€™s part of the reason why Iā€™ve always been wary of taking drugs and Iā€™m thankful for that. Good movie, and I love Leo, his acting is always phenomenal.


Quite possibly the greatest film ever made.

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Awesome documentary. Truly scary. What they are doing is criminal. After watching I left all social media and havent looked back. Life is truly better without it.

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My favorites are currently

  1. Boondock Saints
  2. V for Vendetta
  3. 300
  4. Gone in 60 Seconds
  5. Talledga Nights
  6. Walk Hard : The Dewey Cox Story
  7. The Fast and The Furious
  8. Ace Ventura 1 & 2
  9. Major League
  10. Tommy Boy
    In no particular order. These are the movies I can watch over and over. Iā€™m more of a TV guy than a movie person so Iā€™ve got a much bigger list of shows, but I think this is a good mix of must watch films.

Just watched unhinged was a great movie


Itā€™s been such a long time. Just saw it again some days ago in TV


I just watched this one again the other day, after a long time (many years). Itā€™s a great movie! Edward Norton is a brilliant actor.


I havenā€™t seen this one, yet. But I would like to!

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Oooh nice list! I love several of them - especially gone in 60 seconds sounds track :heartpulse:


Love this movie, itā€™s great!


Saw the new - 2018 Robin hood with jaime fox last night at a hotel. Pretty good - has a modern historical vibe to it. Like A Knights Taleā€¦

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Christmas movie time!!! I couldnā€™t find the Xmas film thread so Iā€™m posting here :v: NOELLEā€¦ Its new, its on Disney plus , and its REALLY good. The chick from twighlight is in itā€¦ Its funny its witty its modern and its funā€¦ A must see!!


I watched a movie other day called breakthrough amazing feel and true story about a lad that died for 15 mins was gone till his mam prayed for him

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Havenā€™t see that one. Been watching a lot of others though. A lot.
Just watched The Holiday with wifey. I thought it was lovely. 2,of my favorite places Britain and LA. Never heard of it before either. I guess Iā€™m just a sap and love the rom coms, especially at Christmas.


Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet right? Iā€™ve only seen bits and pieces of that one. Iā€™ll have to watch it. Holidate on Netflix was alright also. There were some really funny parts. Itā€™s right smack dab between WYWS and BS (the new meter lol) :christmas_tree::snowman:


Watched this tonight.
Loved Greg Kinnear and Ricky Gervais together in this.


This is one of my all time favorite movies.

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I agree, and I love how this movie plays with the ideas and contradictions.