Movies Check-in / Reviews 📼

I like the Wyatt Earp movie with Kevin Costner.
Not as good as Tombstone but it’s a good one.


I’ll check it out :smiling_face:. Never been a Kevin Costner fan so I haven’t seen many of his movies.

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Unfrosted … what a hoot!! So much going on in this silly movie. I loved it.

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It’s on my watch list, looking forward to something really bonkers :joy:

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the true story and account, patched up from FBI recordings and documents, of the apprehension of Reality Lee Winner, accused of national crimes and mishandling of information.

I thought Sydney Sweeney was really good firstly. The FBI agents were so creepy they made me tense and awkward. The story was new to me and I must say did little to restore my faith in the upper echelons. What a crazy story.

It’s an older movie, wont is my way :rofl: I enjoy these crunchy ones, especially when they aren’t 3 hours long :rofl:

What a cast – light hearted fun


I watched it Wednesday night. I can’t get over the funeral scene. I always thought I would want to be cremated and my ashes spread in the sea, or at least a river… I changed my mind! I want exactly what they did in the movie :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Thank you so much for telling me about Silverado. The boys are watching it again today, it’s the new favorite here. :smiling_face:

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My pleasure. I’m so happy y’all like it. Fantastic cast. I mean even John Cleese and I love Kevin Cline in everything!! And Danny Glover. Too many to mention. Good way to occupy them for 3 hours :scream:

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Just watched this and loved it!


Went to see IF at the theater with my younger kids this past weekend. It was sooooooo sweet and heartwarming. Two thumbs up from me. :+1: :+1:

I thought this was going to be a sad movie but it was really funny


I enjoyed this one too.


My daughter and I loved that movie. The ending is so f**king funny. That was some payback. :joy:


I was so mad at the start! I was like this is terrible :cry: but I was very happy with the ending :joy:

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i was not into it at first either but such a funny movie and yeah that fucking ending was EPIC @Lisa07


Have you guys heard that they are going to do Practical Magic 2?
What do you think?

I’m not a huge fan I like Halloweentown and Hocus Pocus better, but still.


I have not heard of it but love the idea. I did enjoy the original. Wonder if they are going to keep cast.

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According to The Rolling Stones Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman is going to play their parts. Doesn’t say anything about other actors :smiling_face:


a cute romcom