Multiple sponsors

Hey! Why do people have multiple sponsors? Can you just have one your whole time in recovery?

I don’t think that there is a rule. Maybe you start out with someone and on the road you see that the both of you don’t fit together. I mean you share some stuff with him/her/divers. So trusting the one is important.

Ijust had the one for 28 years until he passed away ,when i sponsor if my guys have any other sponsors i tell them i wont sponsor them too many cooks ?, happy days

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You may have different sponsors as you move through phases of your life, but you ideally should only have one at a time. Otherwise, the risk is to advice shop is there - to play one sponsor off the other to hear what you want to hear or avoid doing what you were asked to do but don’t want to do.

That said, it isn’t a rule and there have been people who have used multiple sponsors (e.g. one who is more spiritual, another with a similar background/experience). The key if you go that route is that both sponsors need to know that you are using multiple sponsors. Honesty and openness is critical in recovery.


Sorry to clarify…I don’t necessarily mean at the same time . I meant why do people have one sponsor for 5 years and then get another one?

I think it’s a perspective thing, or personality changes

Sometimes one sponsor cycles through and then they maybe feel that another can put a different perspective on it, also in some cases some sponsors take on too many sponsees and don’t have time

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