I always like to try and listen to different music to try and escape. What are some of your favorite tracks? This one is always a fun one. https://youtu.be/jMe6Y8GDVEI
@DrunkenMaster That’s an awesome beat! Thanks for sharing!
Good idea; i am going to try it. I use to get lost in my music but only when I was high drunk or both (sad i know)I’ve not listened to any music since I’ve been sober (29 days) which is weird; I’m scared that the music won’t hit my sober spot & I 'll end up reaching for the bottle & too soon to trust myself not 2 pick up again. I cant live without my music forever
How cool, I also have been getting into the chillout session cds. They are pretty relaxing… ♩:musical_note:
I posted a list some time ago in this forum of music that helped me through the difficult times in my life, but i can seem to find it
Oh I’d love to see it.
Let me see if i can find it for you
@DrunkenMaster Here it is. These are actually all linked to my playlist on youtube so feel free to look through it. These are just samples of my favorites;
The music section is down towards the end of the post
Sweet! I’ll check it out on my commute to work this morning.
one of my favorite songs when it comes to dealing with sobriety
@Rikk amazing song! Thank you!
Going home music today. Not drinking this weekend…
This song defined who and what I was or would become as an alcoholic.
as im sure it defines a lot of others but I use it as a remembrance of my darker days to help me see this brighter future.
This song helps me get through those times when I just want to throw in the towel and say fug it…but as it is said in the song…like a kidney stone, it will pass…changes come.
If you listen closely you can hear the artist using the pedals on the piano.