My 30-day journey of sobriety

Today marks one month of my sobriety—a milestone I never thought I’d reach. Having experienced relapses before. I am new here, I relied on a different app and attended meetings for support. Now, with this new app, I eagerly anticipate sharing more sober days.

Do I trust myself to keep going without stumbling? Not entirely. Yet, I commit to showing myself kindness each day, taking small steps forward. One day at a time.

Already, I’ve noticed significant improvements in my health, heightened motivation, and better sleep. These changes serve as poignant reminders of why I embarked on this path. :muscle:t3:


Way to go friend! 1 month is impressive work. I am over 1 year and still don’t trust myself. The key is to remember why you are doing this, have a solid plan in place for when you do stumble (or keep you from stumbling) and a support system to lean on.

Love that you are seeing the improvements and feeling the benefits of sobriety. Keep going strong :muscle:


Congratulations on your 30 days!

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Thank you sincerely for your words. It means a lot to me.

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Thank you :pray:t3:

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Congratulations on your 30 days Yarissel. That is HUGE!!

This was hard for me in the beginning. I kept romanticizing my drink.

Actively doing gratitude every day right here
Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6 Writing it reading it. Reading what others are grateful for every day. Especially when I had those thoughts helped keep me sober.

It took me a long time to stop romanticizing that drink. And fears of stumbling in the future.
I kept saying to myself and writing out here at the end of my posts.

“I’m not drinking today!” “And I’m probably not drinking tomorrow!”
Use it if you like it.

30 days is amazing!


Nice job!! I myself am only on day 7 but feel very similar to your post. Trying to keep focus on the positive changes that I feel (mental and physically) even this soon has helped me stay on track!
Keep it up Y, you’re doing great!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well done and congratulations on 30 days!


Well done and congrats on 30 days! :smile:

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30Days well done hopefully your keep up your meetings wish you well


I really appreciate your help and advice. Your words means a lot. I totally agree that reading is helpful. Recently, I’ve been focusing on my reading a lot, and it’s been great till this day for keeping my mind off drinking. Thanks again for your support and wisdom. :pray:t3:

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Thank you, :pray:t3:. I’m happy that I made it to this point. I will continue to stay strong while continuing my sobriety.
That’s awesome to hear! 7 days and to many more :muscle:t3:.
Isn’t it incredible how quickly positive changes can start showing, both mentally and physically. Keep up the great work on your journey, and remember to celebrate every milestone along the way! :pray:t3:

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Thank you so much :pray:t3:

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Congratulations! That’s awesome!

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Thank you.

Congrats on 30 days! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you. :pray:t3:

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Nice you got this. 30 days is an achievement, I’m on day 36 right now so I get how hard the first month is. I totally don’t know if I can trust my future self with sobriety. BUT I can trust myself that in this moment, I don’t want to use. I might change my mind in an hour even though I wish I won’t, but the past has teached me that I cannot be too certain in that regard. I still want to be clean in an hour. And as of now, I wish I’d never use again (but that desire changes often for me, sometimes I change my mind ten times in 2 minutes)

The only time I can be certain is right now and that is quite nice. I can still hope, and I hope we both get this next month too! :v::grin:


Your willingness to stay clean, even amidst fluctuating desires, is commendable. Keep focusing on the present, keep hoping, and keep moving forward. Here’s to both of us conquering the next month too! Thank you :pray:t3:

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