My day 1 again

Planning to check in here everyday to help with accountability. It’s way too easy to withdraw inward and go out again and again. Wishing it away isn’t going to help make anything happen. :man_facepalming:


I’m so sorry to hear this. Are there any specific triggers that made you relapse?
Well done on making it to day 1 again. It’s not easy at all. Do you have a support network/doctor support in place to help you? Please be kind to yourself :hugs:


That’s true. What is your action plan? What are you changing, adding to, taking out of your daily life to get your recovery started?

I see that you’ve been on here 1hr in almost two years. That’s an obvious starting point right there.

Here’s some further inspiration: Resources for our recovery.

There’s also the v active check-in thread if you feel lonely on your own thread Checking in daily to maintain focus #61.

All the best.


My day one again also, destroyed my entire life. Now im jobless and homeless. Terrible withdraws. Decided to make the commitment to get a sponser and work the steps.


We can’t do it alone. This place helps keep me sober. Welcome!


Thank you. I’m textbook AA. Obsession for that 1st drink and then on from there. The obsession is strongest when I’m feeling good about things. It’s like my mind is so grateful for those good feelings that it immediately craves more via alcohol. I do have supports available. I suppose I find reasons not to use them. :thinking: Maybe I’m trying to fail. Insanity at its finest.


Thanks. Getting back to my AA group and staying in regular contact with them for one. Regularly participating in this group (daily). Basically doing things I was told to do from day 1 in AA. Removing triggers is another one. Which means essentially eliminating opportunities to be by myself where my mind tells me I deserve that 1st drink.


Thank you very much :heart:

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Sorry to hear that. One thing I always go back to is hope. I wake up every day with that. Clearly it takes more than that though to succeed against this horrible thing. Keep your chin up. Would love to stay in touch and support each other on our Day 1 journey.

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And thank you for the resource links! You’re right - have been on here for 2 years but still a complete newb.

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Welcome back @JoeDogs and @Ledmeyer53
It’s great having you here.
This place is simply amazing. There are so many wonderful people here willing to share their stories and support one another in a kind way.
Wishing you all success on your journeys!

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Thankyou, im glad i can express struggling beyond belief. I cant wait for detox to be over.

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Do you have any professional help with your detox.
Don’t hesitate to reach out for medical help if needed.

No, i cant afford help. Thanks replying.

How are you doing today?

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Hey dude, doing better then day one. Got some sleep that wasnt even sleep. Anxiety through the roof but slowly getting better. Appreciate you checking in .


On your way up! Good sleep will come - look forward to it. Re-read what (I think was) @Runner4 posted. Try to focus on that and not any current negatives. Good job man!!


We got the same sober date 12/13/23. I’ve been pinging and ponging the last 2 years - closing in on 100 total days sober for 2023, have 95 today. Just finding this place through the sober time app. I have been drinking 1/2 pint of Svedka + 19oz 9% beer and 4 light beers every night for about 6 years now - minus 200 or so days over the past 2 years.


I’ve never thought of counting total sober days in a year. Would be easy I suppose if I were sober the entire year :thinking:

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Keep checking in, we are here to support you 🫶🏽