My first week sober in a long time

Hey there, it is my first week sober in probably well over a year.

It’s hard, harder than I thought. I feel more present and in some ways better than I have in a long time but gosh the mess I’ve made is a tough pill to swallow.

I hadn’t realized quite the hole I’d dug for myself in almost every aspect of my life. I won’t lie a drink would be really nice but I know I can’t. I think I really have to do my best to stay sober and get life back on track. I was naive about how tough this would be but I’m going to keep trying.

For today I will celebrate and enjoy my sobriety. I honestly didn’t think I could hit a week but here I am. :slight_smile:


A week?! You’re doing it! :raised_hands:t2: That is Awesome Sauce! Keep working. It gets even better. We are right here with you. :two_women_holding_hands:t2::heart::people_hugging:


Thank you! It’s not been a long time but it’s just the start and it’s better than I’ve done before. It feels good.


You are doing it! Congrats to you!
Honestly, that first week is so hard. Don’t cave now. I know full well there will be moments that are super tough, or maybe you think “just one”, but reflect back on your week of sobriety… any big regrets in the last week? hangovers and anxiety? I bet’cha nope. :wink:
Cravings are hard, sure. But the damage we do to ourselves, our lives, and others while in active addiction is way harder to deal with - at least for me.

Better yet? You have us! If you get a craving, come here! It works for me, and countless others on here. Read, chat, get to know the forum and all the wonderful resources and people here.
And celebrate your week! 7 nights of laying your sober head on the pillow and knowing what you’ll wake up to. That never gets old. :smiling_face: :orange_heart:


Very well earned congratulations on your first week. It’s the hardest one, imo. But you’re doing it and becoming more aware of what it will take to continue on this path, great! Welcome to Talking Sober (TS) and I hope you will stick around here, there’s lots to read about people’s experiences, resources that are available and sometimes just some fun distractions on here, too. Becoming an active member of this community made (and continued to make) a huge difference for me in feeling connected to people who “get it,” and the mutual support going on 24/7 is such a comfort. If I might recommend some threads to check out as a new member, here are a few links:

Daily check in thread

Resources for our Recovery

Advice for the Newcomer

Glad you’re here! Hang in there :heartpulse:


Another great resource…


Welcome to the place where we share our accomplishments