My Higher Power... God 🌹

I would love to share my experience with ur questions :slight_smile:
Reconnecting to God has been a process. My belief in God as fluctuated alot. In fact it wasnt until Dec 2021 when i began to feel comfortable even using the term God. I always sort of believed in God but struggled with the word and struggled with having that complete faith and trust in God.

When i pray, I imagine myself talking to a friend. It isnt rehearsed. It isnt something i just spew out routinely. I normal talk to God and let out anything and everything thats on my mind. God already knows whats in my heart and on my mind. So all i need to is talk about it with God. I have even been mad at God and told him that. And than asked for forgivness of that thought bcuz deep down inside, i know that God isnt the cause of my troubles.

God wants us to build that daily contact with Him. I usually set aside time in the morning first thing to ask for direction thruout my day, to do the next right thing, to be of help to others, and of course to ask for guidance in my recovery.

Listening to God for me is that little intuition, that voice inside that nudges me to do the right thing. Sometimes i will be faced with a decision and the “old” me will want to act out in 1 way, but deep in my heart, I feel God nudging me to the right thing. I dont actually hear a voice but I feel that sense of direction. I always ask God to not only show me the next right step, but help with me following thru with what He asks of me :slight_smile:


This is exactly how I connect with God also. Could have been me writing that, although lately I have lapsed a bit with my evening prayers, but I do pray/talk to God throughout the day :heart::pray:t3:


I wanted to write something briefly about my experience today and my reconnection to God. Ive been struggling with my connection to God for awhile now. Ive felt myself sort of declining in alot of ways, which brought up alot of fear and worry over my recovery. I havent attended my Monday Bible Study in ages bcuz other things always seemed to be more important. What i really needed all along was connection to God. Today i was going to continue working out but i stopped and finished my workout early. Attended my bible study and im so glad i did. We watched this video:

It talks about how the evil one plants seeds in our minds known as the 5Ds. He plants these negative thoughts to bring us down. They are the 5 Ds. Doubt, distort, discourage, distract, and divide. Anxiety, fear, and worry are not just mental health things, they are also spiritual bcuz the evil one plants these in our minds to try and get us to destroy ourselves (bcuz he cant physically destroy us). There are ways to combat these 5 Ds. It was such a good video.
Afterwards, i spoke to a woman who helps runs the bible study. She has a very strong connection to God. We prayed together and all of a sudden she began speaking in tongues. I have never heard this before. She told me what it all meant. She told me I had been struggling since birth with one thing or another. That ive fought hard for everything in my life today. She told me that i need to shut all doors to the evil one. That i have to stop closing the door to God everytime i open it alittle. God told her that hes been beside me every step of the way, even when I didnt feel Gods presence. God spoke to her and told her that I need to start from the very beginning. To find a church and to get baptized again. To read the Word and to have trust that God has all the answers.
I felt incredible and my soul felt full. I feel connected. I dont feel afraid anymore. I feel like i have a sense of direction now. I contacted a church here and asked some questions via email. Just waiting to hear back. Im grateful for God and for guiding me to this Bible Study today :pray:


Thank you for sharing this. I can take a lot from it :heart:


@Lorelai @adeygaga49
Thank you both for ur comments :slight_smile: I appreicate that! The video is a bit long. Its like 45 min or something. But if u have the time, its very good

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Nice,I just tapped into your lovely thread.
It is my practice to combine both Christianity and the Native Way of Life together seamlessly.I was just at a 12 step talking circle meeting last night that has just that mixture of beliefs and in my eyes it is all the same Creation and Creative Force of Life, just different words and practices from different tribes.I will most likely be attending our weekly sobriety sweat lodge on Monday.Whether I say God or Wakan Tanka or Great Mystery or Gitche Manitou it is all the same to me.Language and people can be tricky about what is understood and how open their Minds are, but Creator just Loves all of Creation.If people have problems with either or then that’s their problem, I sometimes take the time to explain and sometimes not.It all depends on how Spirit moves me.The Creator provides the most Beautiful Life when we can start seeing Creator’s Spirit in ALL things.
I see these teachings as highest from the Bible: God is Love,Light and Spirit.
Jesus’s 2 Commandments:Mathew 22: 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38This is the first and great commandment. 39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
PEACE & Mitakuye Oyasin


I love this soo much! Thank you for sharing! I am definitely familar with the Aboriginal culture as well as i learned it back home thru treatments and support groups, by attending ceremony &swera lodges, speaking with Elders, sharing circles, thru medicine picking, learning songs and drumming, using medicines. Its such a beautlful and gentle way of connecting. God to me is my HP at this moment but I also agree with you in that no matter what “term” we use, we are all praying to a Higher Power, to one entity. Its all the same in my eyes, its just how we choose to address this Higher Power with whatever term fits for us, is whats different. During my spiritual journey i have come to believe in God and have gotten more into the Word and prayer etc but I do still smudge and i believe in drumming (listening to the heartbeat of Mother Earth). I guess its very much combined like urself. Its soooo super cool to meet another person that has combined both beliefs!!! I was excited to read ur post :slight_smile:
Please feel free to share ur experiences and ur knowledge on thsi thread if u like! Id love to continue to learn :slight_smile:

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Cool cool,
Living and walking on our Mother/Grandmother the Earth and under Father/Grandfather sky and Living in a Sacred manner brings about relationship on a deep deep level with ALL Life.
I would be very interested in continuing to dialog.
Though I do limit my online time and have limited knowledge when it comes to expressing myself in the written/typed word. I am getting better at it though :grinning:.
I am very glad to connect with people in recovery that have open Minds and Hearts.
Sobriety and recovery can lead a person to such a Beautiful and Mind blowing Life.
I sometimes think back to when I was a person not knowing any better and living destructively.
I had no idea such an incredible and Beauty filled Life was possible.
I pray you have a Blessed journey through recovery. :heart: :pray: :heart:

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Just a couple thoughts on the Moon and the coming eclipse.

Set to turn a coppery shade of red in the sky this Tuesday, November 8, the full moon will kick off Election Day with an early morning event of its own — a total lunar eclipse. The second one of the year, the eclipse will begin at 3:02 a.m. ET, with the moon initially dimming for the first hour, and end at 8:50 a.m.

What does moon symbolize in the Bible?

Biblical references use the moon symbol to highlight cosmic events, divine epiphanies and the ephemeral nature of human life and history (see, for example, Isaiah 30,26; 60,19; Revelations 21,23).

Hope you are well @Butterflymoonwoman

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~ The struggle is real, but so is GOD ~ :pray:


Very true Dana. Faith is a powerful weapon against addiction!


Absolutely love this and totally agree :heart::pray:t3:


Hi Adrienne,

It’s nice to see you pop in once in awhile


Hi Kevin, how are you doing? I do pop in from time to time. I really like this thread and a few others so I like to catch up on them. I hope you’re doing ok :blush:


I’m just peachy :peach:.

Thanks for asking :slightly_smiling_face:


Amen and amen!!!

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This is one of my favorites. Its about 40 min long but if you have the time, i highly suggest listening to it. Its about how the Evil one plants seeds of doubt, distortion, distraction, discouragement, & division btwn us as Children if God and God himself.