My Higher Power... God 🌹

I was brought up without any religion. Not even talk of it. Like, literally never mentioned, in any way, shape or form. Nothing spiritual was/is ever talked about. No denial or belief - just nothing. Interestingly, then, I have somewhat found my own path to it. And whilst I still do not have my beliefs or faith fully worked out or understood, I know that, having no faith, nothing- makes it difficult to find peace, reassurance, hope, acceptance and understanding. I’ve taken myself to a couple of different churches over the years, and this very strange thing has happened to me, almost every time. I ball my eyes out. The idea that ‘God loves me’ is …just… incredible to me. I never knew. I never knew I was worthy of God’s love. Even the word ‘God’ can feel a little uncomfortable for me, because I have such little understanding and very little knowledge of its connotations religiously. I often use the word ‘Universe’ instead. For some reason, I feel less of an impostor with ‘Universe’.

I have, at times now, come to know or feel God when I’ve been outside, alone, amongst nature - I feel like I see and feel a beautiful spiritual presence - whether it’s in the trees, the sun’s rays, flowers, or the clouds.

Anyway, thought I’d share. Not able to talk about this with any of my family - they become all awkward and think I’m a weirdo, lol. God, or the Universe, is definitely my higher power, too! :blush::heart:



Congratulations on ur 10 months!!! Wow amazing! Proud of you :smiley:

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10 months sober AMEN!



What a great reminder!



It’s amazing how God uses messes. He uses people that are messed up, and your mess can become your message if you’ll let it.


Your mess can become your message. I like that. Humbly reaching out for prayers. Vaping nicotine is next on the hit list. Love a miracle with a voice fom above saying " your free Dev" guessing I have to go through the withdrawal and cravings again.


I’m going through a period of trying to rediscover my relationship with my higher power. I’m attending AA meetings daily and reading my Big Book. I just am having a hard time trusting in God. I’ve been through so much and I’m struggling. I bought two books on faith and I hope to re-attend church one of these days. Just having a hard time.


@michaeljlogan74 I feel for you not trusting God. It has to be a lonesome feeling. I grew up in a religious home. We attended church regularly, and my father was a Deacon. I had a lot of religion in my years, but my spirituality never developed until I got sober 15 months ago. I know now that without faith, I will have no sobriety, and without the good Lord, I’ll never see the Promises.


Hi @Delaine54 :smiley:
I appreciate your wise counsel. I love the Lord and Jesus Christ. I just need to get on my knees and pray! Ugh! I hope to go to church on Sunday. I’m ready to re-engage, just hard you know?


Hi all. I had a bust with the vaping. Still sober from alcohol and ciggies. Disappointed with myself after 52 days without vaping. Hoping to be back on track before passover.

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Ok @EisEDev - Pull yourself up and quit the vaping. You can do this-I believe in you!

Thanks Michael
Will do
Not planning on buying another one. Have wasted $150.00 on 3 vapes. 6000 puffs in each one. 18 000 puffs to many and I could have got a really good pair of tennis shoes with that money. I am disappointed in myself. Gotta really apply 1 Cor 10:13 to this one and not give into temptation again.

Hi @EisEDev -Wishing you well. Been thinking of you. How is the vaping?

Thanks for asking