My Higher Power... God 🌹

January 28, 2022
Genesis 5: 21-24
Our Walk Of Faith
:yellow_heart: Today’s passage talks about a man named Enoch. Enoch lived for a total of 365 years. After walking faithfully with God for all those years, God took him away. By faith, Enoch was taken from his life so that he did not experience death. He was commended to have pleased God.
:blue_heart: It is a simple thing to talk about pleasing God. But this isn’t always an easy task. Everyday choices present themselves and can often distract us from walking with God. Walking with God means giving up our desire to navigate our own lives and instead place our faith in Him. We admit He knows what is best for us and realize that He might not always reveal the How’s and Why’s until the very last second. God is seldom early, but He is never late. Only day by day faith walking pleases God.


January 29, 2022
James 1: 2-8
When Our Faith Feels Weak
:orange_heart: This passage was written by James, the half-brother of Jesus. James 1: 2-3 encourages us to “consider it all joy when we face trials. Because we grow.” And as whatever we face comes to an end, we see what it means to trust God and find Him faithful. Our faith can only grow when we have to trust God without understanding every aspect of His will. It is also important to realize that faith fluctuates. When our faith is weak, Jesus never gives up on us. Instead, He encourages us to keep believing and to keep trusting. When we struggle with faith, look to Jesus for support. Know that you are growing in faith when you choose to have faith during the hardest of times.
:green_heart: There are many times where I faced doubt when it came to God’s ability to help. This was me trying to control the situation & to use MY will to make things happen. The reality is… is that I have no control over people, places, or things. Sometimes I don’t like what I’m experiencing and I try to change it and I force myself onto the situation trying to make it better. God only knows what is best for me. God knows the plan for me. Sometimes the outcome is not what I expect or even what I like. But having faith is knowing that God knows what’s best for me. And it happens on God’s time… not mine. When I face trials in life, I often saw them as a negative thing. But this passage shows me that I can view them as an opportunity to grow in my faith.


January 31, 2022
Mark 4: 15-20
The Cost Of Worry
:blue_heart: Today’s passage was written by John Mark. It talks about how suffocating and dangerous being worried can be. This passage it talks about seeds and how a farmer plants these seeds in different places. Some are planted on the path, some on the rocky ground, some amongst the thorns, and some on good soil. The seeds represent the people who hear God’s word. In the passage, they specifically talk about the seeds amongst the thorns. Jesus says that these seeds are like people who hear the word, but bcuz of worries or wealth or desires of other things (the thorns), they never bear the fruit of the word of God. Jesus deems worrying as fatal. It suffocates us and closes us off to God’s word.
What are you worried about today?
Once we identify what these “thorns” (worries) are, we can begin to pull them out. If we do not… Jesus says it will render us fruitless. As humans, we will worry… but we can give these worries and our struggles to God. This makes more room in our hearts for God’s word to grow and produce more fruit than we have ever imagined!


February 01, 2022
Matthew 6: 25-33
Winning Over Worry
:heartpulse: I absolutely LOVE this passage. Jesus asked, “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”. Worrying is destructive. It is natural for us to worry… worry about our finances or health or for loved ones. Some even worry about what they will eat that night. In verse 26, it speaks of birds and how God even feeds them. They do not worry. They believe and trust that food will be provided. Instead of us wasting time on worrying over something that we may have very little control over, let’s take that time to build our faith. Worrying won’t change the situation, but God can! When anxious thoughts come, let us remind ourselves of God’s promises and meditate on his faithfulness.




Worrying is like a clothes washer. We spin and spin, exhausting so much energy and yet when we stop spinning we are in the same place we were when we began spinning. LoL…

Matthew 6


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Taking the Initiative Against Drudgery

Arise, shine… [ISAIAH 60:1]

When it comes to taking the initiative against drudgery, we have to take the first step as though there were no God. There is no point in waiting for God to help us— He will not. But once we arise, immediately we find He is there. Whenever God gives us His inspiration, suddenly taking the initiative becomes a moral issue— a matter of obedience. Then we must act to be obedient and not continue to lie down doing nothing. If we will arise and shine, drudgery will be divinely transformed.

Drudgery is one of the finest tests to determine the genuineness of our character. Drudgery is work that is far removed from anything we think of as ideal work. It is the utterly hard, menial, tiresome, and dirty work. And when we experience it, our spirituality is instantly tested and we will know whether or not we are spiritually genuine. Read John 13. In this chapter, we see the Incarnate God performing the greatest example of drudgery— washing fishermen’s feet. He then says to them, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14)The inspiration of God is required if drudgery is to shine with the light of God upon it. In some cases the way a person does a task makes that work sanctified and holy forever. It may be a very common everyday task, but after we have seen it done, it becomes different. When the Lord does something through us, He always transforms it. Our Lord takes our human flesh and transforms it, and now every believer’s body has become “the temple of the Holy Spirit” ([1 Corinthians 6:19]


Thank you for sharing! I like ur clothes washer analogy lol I will have to remember that! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I honestly can’t say when I opened this last… but I always kept it. This was given to me in 1985. God was knocking at the door, waiting for me to answer all these years. 37 years later, after many, many years of peeking through the peep hole to see who was there (lol), I finally opened that door… I can’t remember the exact date, but it was Dec 2021. Standing at the bus stop actually, at 650am, heading to work. And that was the morning I really made that leap of faith and accepted God into my life… fully and wholeheartedly. Thankfully, He has never left, no matter what I have done or said. Blessed… just very blessed :raised_hands:


He is never early. Never late. Always right on time !!!

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Absolutely :100: I love this!!! Perfect timing for sure!

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One of my favorites. No words. Just meaning


Love this sooo much!!! Thank u for sharing :slight_smile:

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What is the name of the app you referenced?

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It is called Glorify! It’s wonderful. There is a free version but if u pay for the subscription which is I think $10/mth u get added features. Its such a good app. I am still learning about the Bible and its wonderful that they read the passage then explain it to everyday life, then do a reflection and prayer with nice music :slight_smile:

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Thank you! Have a blessed day.

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Good morning beloveds! Another good app for Bible deep diving is Blue Letter Bible app.

Many different versions to choose from and even can references back to original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. Good for etymology and linguistics. (Basic)


May God bless you all and remember…


And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation—some fact of my life —unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God’s world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober; unless I accept life completely on life’s terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.


Father we don’t know what this day may bring. But we do know that you have already seen and prepared for it. Please protect us from the things that threaten our sobriety. Let us feel your Presence and Serenity and let us remember that You are always in control. We love you and need you so much. Amen