My Higher Power... God šŸŒ¹

Good morning. Itā€™s 8:38 am I want to first of all give thanks to God for another day not promised. Hope everyone has a blessed day and you go through out your day with your eyes up above and not of the world.

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~ If youā€™ve been worried about how things will turn out, take a deep breath and remember all the times that God has come through for you. Godā€™s job is outcome. Yours is to trust His process ~


I often tell my staff to ā€œtrust the processā€. This business jargon makes sense to people and usually it works. However, when I am asked to ā€œTrust Godā€, I find it challenging at times. Well, most of the time. In sobriety, we must rely on our HP at all times. Having faith and trust is difficult. My hope is that as I continue to go through this process of sobriety that my faith strengthens. Lord knows I am helpless without Him.


I hear u. Itā€™s not easy :frowning: . Its funny bcuz my natural tendency also is to control the situation so that it comes out in my favor. I have noticed also that I am selective in my trust. Some situations I can trust God wholeheartedly that things will work out as they should bcuz God knows what is best for me and He has the plan laid out for me. At other times tho, I want to controlā€¦ why?! I do trust God absolutelyā€¦ but my will (my thinking and acting) creep in. I find I have to turn over my will multiple times a day. The good thing is tho is that God meets us where we are at :slight_smile: and God loves us no matter what. I canā€™t be selective in what I choose to trust God in to handle. If Iā€™m not trusting God and having faith, then I am living in fear. And that fear manifests itself in me scrambling on my own self will trying to control everything around me.Which ends up with me losing inner peace. But we are human and all we can do is keep connecting to God everyday and asking for that guidance




@Butterflymoonwoman @Dazercat Have a Blessed Day Guys !!!

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Morning!!! Thank u for the song! Beautiful and powerful! Needed this today as I start my day :slight_smile: hugs my friend!!! Thanks for this :slight_smile:

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I am working on becoming more aware of how God is in my everyday life. Noticing that God is still on the throne and working behind the scenes. I seek Godā€™s comfort and safety. This does not always happen as I become weary. As the writer notes, seeking God in the quiet times is a gift. I will remember this when I get bored and cravings for alcohol kick in. I will seek Godā€™s comfort instead. Grateful for this devotion. Thank you for sharing @Butterflymoonwoman


Father, Thank you for this day. I do not know what I will encounter but You do. You have already seen it from the start to finish. You have already gone ahead of me and opened doors and minds and softened hearts. Give me the strength to accept situations, people, places and things as they are. Help me to remember all of the blessings you have given me and to not focus on the negative. Please help those still struggling with their addictions and give them the strength to be honest and face them. Thank you for loving me just as I am. Amen


Sitting here in my car before work listening to Praise Music with tears of joy flowing ! You are So Good Father !!!


I love this prayer sooo much!!! Tears of gratitude are such a beautiful thing! I literally cry every morning while praying and listening to worship music also! I hope u have an fantastic day with God!

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This morning on my Glorify app they encouraged meditation on Mark 2: 1-12. This is what my thoughts were on this passage :grinning:
~ There is NOTHING that God can not overcome. He is all Powerful! He makes miracles happen! There is no reason for me to question Godā€™s abilities and what God is capable of. Have faith!! I often forget how powerful and how strong I truly am against evil. I am only this powerful tho by the Grace of God and my ability to surrender absolutely everything to Him. By becomong nothing, I am something! Turning over my will, my thinking and acting to God and in turnā€¦ walking in Jesusā€™ footsteps, gives me this strength. God has a plan and gives me the strength (His strength) to overcome distractions, temptations, and evil. I will Rise! Just like he told the man he was healing in this passage~


Wonderful prayer of praise and encouragement.
Thank you @Lousul


Prayer and smudge in the gorgeous light falling snow!


Meditation for the Day

Ceaseless activity is not Godā€™s plan for your life. Times of withdrawal for renewed strength are always necessary. Wait for the faintest tremor of fear and stop all work, everything, and rest before God until you are strong again. Deal in the same way with all tired feelings. Then you need rest of body and renewal of spirit-force. Saint Paul said: ā€œI can do all things through Him who strengthens me.ā€ This does not mean that you are to do all things and then rely on God to find strength. It means that you are to do the things you believe God wants you to do and only then can you rely on His supply of power.


This is a beautiful postā¤ļø So well written and thoughtful.

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Love this sooo much!!! Thank u for sharing :slight_smile:

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