My Higher Power... God šŸŒ¹

Thanks my friend!!! Hope ur day is going well too!

Can I ask what book this is from please x

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Thanks for the post Butterfly woman. I have a bit of catching up to do on this thread. This morning I had a run of about 10 frustrating little things that got be swearing a few times. Any way one of your posts reminded me that God is in control and I got to the stage of being thankful and just laughing at the next little event in the series.

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Great lyrics. Thanks for sharing.

Frustrating start to the day
Much more chillaxed now.
Just went for a nice walk
Hopefully be fine enough to play tennis later.
Thankful for sober time and donā€™t want a slip or relapse.
Still vaping to the Max.
Donā€™t need Marijuana, Iā€™m dopey enough without it.
Donā€™t need codeine, turmeric with black pepper is doing the job with regular exercise.
Donā€™t need coffee any more, just kidding. Two a day keeps the headache away.
Donā€™t need the booze. Feeling the frustration is much better than feeling drunk. Mostly peaceful feelings. Not hungry not angry not lonely, I have moments because I live alone in my van. Iā€™ve met some amazing people in the last six months of van life though and I do generally like my own company most of the time. Might be a bit tired but not so tired that I think alcohol will help.
Thanks to my friends in recovery here and thanks be to Jesus Christ for your patience, mercy and Grace. Thereā€™s been a few close calls over the years. Iā€™ve had a noose around my neck back in 97. Youā€™ve got me through depressing times, suicidal and homicidal ideations. There was the time I was working on a farm and a piece of corrugated iron flew off the back of a Ute. I ducked and would have been decapitated if I didnā€™t. There was the time I was riding my bike over a bridge and got sucked towards a passing truck. Somehow survived that. Thereā€™s all the times I drank enough to cause alcohol poisoning and all the times I took way more pills than I should have yet Iā€™m still here to write about it. Thereā€™s all the things going on with geoengineering pharmakea and the Georgia guidestones but my time is not up until God says so. Teach me to number my days, Iā€™ve wasted so many days and nights being wasted. EisE stands for enough is enough Dev. Lead me not unto temptation but deliver me from evil. With the temptation you will always provide a way of ESCAPE.

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Came across this album last week

And hereā€™s some recent favourites

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Powerful reading today. This has been personal goal of mine for awhile now and it is getting easier to turn to God for everything. I used to feel the need to either take on problems on my own, or Iā€™d get comfortable sitting in my own mental depression. God is waiting for me to just reach out. Even when I donā€™t have the words to express how I feel, I just say, ā€œGod, I need helpā€. God does amazing things!! He is capable, creative, and carves new paths for usā€¦ takes our troubles and turns them into something of benefit!


Thank you very much :heart:


Feeling a bit better :pray:



Wow! Thank u for sharing this reading :slight_smile: powerful!!!

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Iā€™m going through a broken period, but Iā€™m continuing to pray for peace and understanding. I know God is in control and will find me a new job where I will be happy and find joy. My last job was so stressful. It is hard to have faithā€¦
I must let go and let God in my life. I am thankful for you @Butterflymoonwoman for reminding me to stay steadfast and strong.


Ur welcome! I pray about your situation often. Goā€™s knows that ur previous job was stressful and causing havoc in ur life :frowning: there are better things out there for u! I know it!

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Today I woke up feeling such an inner spiritual ā€œpullā€ to just connect with God and to refresh my spirit and faithfulness for God. I wasnt in the best headspace upon waking up and really struggled to work out this morning. I sat down and opened up my daily devotionals. After every daily devotional, they include 3 versus to look up. I decided to look them up in my new Bible. As I was looking thru my Bible, I came across these Bible reading plans! This is the 1st page. Thereā€™s like 5 more pages of these plans. I started the 1st day today Genisus 1 & 2 (the creation of heaven and earth). Afterwards I prayed and listened to a few songs. I am excited to be going thru this plan everyday. I feel grounded and safe and comforted and joyful and grateful and positve right now. God knew what I needed today and that was to spend time with Him :tulip:


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Awe thank you Chris!!! Your just as inspiring ya know! I look up to u and ur recovery :slight_smile:

So nice to wake up unhungover and ready for another day.

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