My imaginary cat, and his adventures

Ringing in the new year with my favourite furball, who has taken to reclining on my pajamas. Not much to say because we’ve just been chilling this evening, having great chats. You’d be surprised, he’s a good conversationalist when he wants to be.



I’m happy to see that little furball will still be around to cheer us up in 2020. Love that little guy!


Awww… Ronin looks so comfy :+1:

Does he like his new home/thread category? :joy:

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Can’t get rid of him that easily! He needs the attention, he wouldn’t let me stop posting.


He does. But I think he likes the pajamas more. I may have to just buy doubles.


Yes!!! Matching jammies :+1::+1::+1:


More on our discussions earlier in the day.

I tried explaining to him why the sky was blue, but it’s difficult when he doesn’t fully buy into the idea of physics. What did I expect from an invisible cat capable of self-propelled suborbital spaceflight…

Likewise, he had some thoughts on human biology that were intriguing but unlikely.

We have common ground when it comes to music, though! He agrees Bach is the Best of the Baroque, Bartók is underrated, and experimental music is essential to the health of the art even if most people don’t appreciate it. Though we’ll have to agree to disagree on which mainstream artists are worth listening to.

I made it through an hour and a half on cardboard, boxes, and cardboard boxes… :roll_eyes:

And his JOKES! :speak_no_evil::rofl: OMG… This picture is pre-punchline because I was out-of-frame-laughing for most of it.

He’s so great to have around. You’re all missing out.


But we’re not missing out!! I felt like I was there!

You are both so clever :+1:

One question: Do cats understand different colors? :sweat_smile::joy:


He says he is all the colours of the rainbow. I don’t know if that means no, because he’s invisible and that could actually be true in a way, for all I know. :man_shrugging:

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Oooh, I like the idea of a rainbow cat. Those darn unicorns have been getting too much attention :joy:

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And he hasn’t? :upside_down_face:

I think it’s honestly just meaningless stuff he’s inventing to brag about. Probably just a regular tabby‍— Ouch! Quit it Ronin!

UhOh… is he an addict?

Edit: I’m out of likes :cry:

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I think only he can answer that. :man_shrugging:

Very true. Have you asked? Not quite sure how you’d work it into a conversation after the topics discussed today though … :thinking:

It hasn’t even been two weeks since trapping him in a drawer had me posting Ronin updates from a hospital bed! I’m not eager to trap him again so soon, even conversationally… :grimacing:

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Aawww happy new year James and Ronin :hugs:

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Lol James you’re the best

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Haha don’t worry, that’s my roommate, Laura. Proper spider, despite her small size. She’s kind of like the bouncer here, takes care of the unwanted pests that wander in and refuse to leave.


You and Ronin are fantastic story tellers! Keep us updated on his shenanigans please. And I think you should go ahead and buy yourself another set of pajamas. Doesn’t look like he’s willing to share those at all. Happy New Year you two!


Happy New Year to you, Ronin and now Laura. I can’t wait to see how you all get along in 2020. :joy: