My imaginary cat, and his adventures

Thought I may as well introduce Laura properly. She keeps to herself for the most part, so she won’t be a regular appearance here. But here’s a selfie with her for good measure.

You would not believe the glares Ronin is shooting my way. Just can’t handle not being in the spotlight. Next time, Ronin… don’t you always get your turn?

Edit: And there he is, chasing her away, under the bedside table…

Edit #2: By the way, it’s really hard to get a selfie with Laura… I move too close and she scurries away, that was the best I could do… at least she smiled for the camera! :grin:


It’s nice to meet Laura and I hope she comes around, maybe when Ronin is sleeping. Of course the spotlight will always be on Ronin. :smiley:


Yes. Ronin is the interesting one. I just didn’t want to be rude…

Also Ronin has been pretty boring recently. I loved our talk, but now all he wants to do is nap. :confused:


Maybe you can give him some catnip as a nice little treat, second thought, it may just make him crazy. :joy:

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We don’t discuss catnip. Not since the incident.


Oh no! I’m dying to know about “the incident” but a little scared at the same time. :rofl: :rofl:


You seriously crack me up. :blush: I love this thread, you, Ronin and Laura. Much needed during this time of year. A bright light shining in the dark world.


I find it disturbing how cats just know when you want to sit down, and choose that exact time to steal the best seat :roll_eyes:

How should I get back at him tomorrow? :smiling_imp:


Give him a kick and say " oh sorry Ronin, didn’t see you there.
Woops, did I just say that out loud? :rofl:
Put something on all the chairs to block him!


If I knew this was your thread I would have said something when they made you a mod :joy:
Beautiful kitty though!


Put Laura in charge, that’ll show him .


Oh, I showed him. And Laura’s hands (mandibles?) are clean in all of this. Give me a sec, I’ll recount how it went down.

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So Ronin’s just like any other cat, and spends a lot of his time napping.

Also, I have a guitar amp. Which, after taking this picture of it, I proceeded to set up directly behind him as he slept.

I routed some sound into it, white noise/static. I also, um, turned it up a little bit.

Just for good measure, why don’t we set these to 10 as well.

Considering the situation that was developing, I took some precautions in the form of ear protection. I doubled these with my sound-isolating headphones.

With my thumb on the switch, I spent quite a good deal of time contemplating my life choices and whether this would be something I would regret.

I decided to go for it. Come what may.

Narrator: Things did not go as he expected. Nothing went as anyone expected. But one thing is for sure — the relationship between man and imaginary cat would not be quite the same.

To be continued…


James you could have a career writing comic books, maybe the first one could be the adventures of Ronin. :+1::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks! Hmmm my illustration skills are lacking, but I could at least draw Ronin!


On the edge of my seat, can’t wait to see what happens next. :joy: :joy:


On second thought, let us never speak of this again. Sorry. I simply just cannot do it.

It has taken a couple of months, but Ronin is finally acknowledging my presence again. He won’t sit still for a picture right now though, he thinks I am up to something and moves. So at this time, I’m sorry to say, but there will be no new photos of Ronin. You cannot see him at this time.

But I think he’s forming strategic alliances with the local wildlife. I’m being watched wherever I go. Or am I just being paranoid?

Just look. They’re coming unusually close, yet pretending nothing is afoot (except for the one being quite rude in our direction). Tell me they’re not stalking.


It’s obvious they’re stalking. You can say it by their “you can’t see me, I’m not existing” -position

And hello Ronin, long time no meooow :raised_hand: