My Issue with 12 step groups

I’m doing regular meetings, calling fellows most days, and taken up service.

I would like to do the 12 steps, I like the idea of picking apart my character and becoming enlightened from it.

…However I refuse to accept I am powerless over all drugs and alcohol. I have a problem with Crystal Meth. Not anything else anymore. I can do things in moderation. I actually choose to be largely abstinent from everything, but not because I am powerless. There isn’t a dealers number at the bottom of any beer glass. I don’t have one drink and want more. *** I do have 1 pipe and can’t stop though lol ***

Are there any 12 step groups that deal with drugs that don’t have a ‘I am powerless’ approach?


Try SMART meetings


I think u only have to admit powerlessness of ur doc. I guess the problem would be when announcing days sober, and u were sober of ur doc but not alcohol.
But rereading u said u had problems before? Just to be safe would quitting all be so bad? And in step one, focus on the powerlessness over meth?


Your words are “I do have 1 pipe and can’t stop thou” that’s being powerless in my humble opinion


they do the 12 steps? I’m keen to do the 12 steps. Not sure if that’s a kind of oxymoron though

yes I know, but not all drugs

never been the case, i’m always sober when i score

Your over thinkng it take what u need leave the rest, your powerless over meth. But totally understand if it’s not for you it’s not for you but my experience of 10 years In and out the rooms is that perception changes the more soberity we have, smart doesn’t do 12 step so may suit you more

I am actually abstinent from everything at the moment but that’s not the point really.

The other 11 steps are going to be difficult if you can’t do step 1. SMART is a program more attuned to what your goals seem to be.


I think you’re right. I do have a habit of overthinking things thank you.

‘take what you need and leave the rest’ - is what I should be doing I guess yes


Maybe you will find some other program of interest in this thread…lots of info…


I haven’t been using drugs to alter my emotional state for a long time (apart from the relapses on meth). I may want to alter my emotional state in the future but not for now (and definitely never again on meth).

I do however use some drugs as tools:

  • Caffeine to energize to do creative work.
  • Several antihistamines or Xanax in small doses to help me sleep, I cycle between them and days off so tolerance isn’t a problem.
  • Alcohol in small amounts when performing in my other job to steady my hands from anxiety.

It’s not a lot I know - I am merely searching for a program like the 12 steps which won’t berate me for not admiting I am powerless over things other than meth.

thank you Sassy

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If I am not wrong powerlessness is related with acceptance. For example: To accept I have a problem and I can’t fix it with my own means, I need help

This is a fair response thank you for your honesty without judgement.

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We admitted we were powerless over ________.

For you, you can use meth. Do you admit you are powerless over meth. Are you capable of stopping once you have one hit, or are you powerless in that scenario?

Agreed, I need help with Meth. I accept I cannot fix this problem by myself.

I am quite keen on the spiritual enlightenment promised by the 12 steps, but don’t like being told I cannot drink in moderation.

…Probably this viewpoint is contradictary to getting the spiritual enlightenment through the 12 steps… this is kind of what I am trying to ascertain.

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powerless yes!

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Seems like you got some great advice here already. If you like the people in your group I would recommend staying and substitute your doc everywhere the word alcohol comes up.

If you aren’t satisfied with the people in your group, I would try another location, an NA meeting (substituting in your doc), or I suppose a SMART meeting is better than nothing.

As an alcoholic, I’m a little weary to recommend SMART as it is a program that tries to reintroduce alcohol to alcoholics. But I also acknowledge that everyone is different and SMART meetings may very well be a valid solution for some people.

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