My last drink

That’s good idea about putting my id back in the car after I get my meds.

I’m also scared because I have to drive past all the stores that I normally stop at to grab a Rita. I always stopped even if I had a bunch of them I knew it would never be enough.

I’m just going to try not to think about it and go get my meds and the drinks for the kids and then I really want to take them to the park. I’m also debating on just coming home so I won’t be around any stores.

The problem is I can’t punish my kids for my illness either because they have suffered enough. I just wish every store didn’t sell that damn drink that had a hold on me for the past years smh……


I am with you on wishing that alcohol wasn’t so readily available. Stay focused while driving - focus on the kids - the destination and blare some good music . You are strong enough to not make any unnecessary stops.


I’m just getting in the car and I’ve had a very rough morning trying to get my medicine smh….
I want a drink so badly but I’m trying to push myself to go to the pharmacy and not stop at any stores. It’s crazy how my mine keeps trying to rationalize that if I just had one drink I would be ok and can continue being sober but that’s not how it works
I need all the support possible right about now


You are doing great. Reaching out here is wise. You are stronger than you think. Drinking won’t solve a thing.


Hang in there! The first day or two is the hardest and you will get over this hump if you keep putting one sober foot in front of the other. Glad you’re here and checking in throughout your day.


How are you doing Danielle?
Just seeing this now - sorry love. I hope you got your meds and didn’t make any stops.

When you are really struggling, i would suggest posting on the check in thread. More people are on that thread and you would have a quicker response when in need.

Checking in daily to maintain focus #58

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Thank you Jazzy I will move there I think I just want to hang out on this post for now just because I’ve gotten so much support and I just want people to know me a little better before I hop fully in.

So I was able to get my meds partially fixed I have to transfer them because of insurance issues and that’s where the problem came in but it was so frustrating.

I ended up taking the kids to Chuck E. Cheese for a bit after I left the pharmacy and that was my first time being there sober and we had a blast.
Then we went to McDonald’s to get the kids something and I’m sitting in the Burger King parking lot typing this. I actually bought me some food instead of drinking and I didn’t stop at a store at all. I still have to go grab the kids more juice but I think I will be ok.
I think I crave it more when I’m stressed out but I’m ok


Love it girl - you crushed it today and i’m sure the kids had a fun time with you at Chuck E Cheese.

Yes- for sure keep this thread active and alive – this is your personal journal and a great way for others to get to know you. I was just suggesting to post a SOS on the check in thread as so many more frequent that thread and someone would be on top of helping when the urges hit. No pressure.

We are just so glad to have you here with us and doing so well on your sobriety journey. Flex those sober muscles! Grateful that you did get some food for yourself today too. :heart:


I am glad you are here, checking in and getting support. :people_hugging:


Ok everyone I made it home without stopping by the gas station or the store!!!

My energy is still getting back up there but we had so much fun omg.
At the park I sweated and was just so hot so we had to get out of there and back home.
The kids are in the tub because they were so dirty.

I still gotta go to the store and I think I’m procrastinating.

I threw away my drinking cup earlier today but I also found an old empty cam in my car today. I haven’t taken it it just yet but I’m going to stop at the dumpster to ensure all empty cans are out of my car and my house so I won’t even see it.

Overall today has been a good day and I did it all sober


Awesome update! :clap:t3: :clap:t3: :clap:t3:


You know the saying in AA ‘One drink is too much, a thousand not enough’. Once you have one drink inside you it is exponentially worse to try and control yourself. If I ever romanticise ‘one’ drink I remind myself I want to take the easier path.


Welcome @Daniellegurl ! Well done on keeping going! You are worth a happy sober life! :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Y’all know what made me smile yesterday is I was getting done taking my girls to the bathroom then I had to go, as I’m pulling down my Shirt my 4 year old said don’t worry mommy your stomach is going to go away soon since you don’t have those icky drinks anymore.

That made me smile because I pretty much developed a beer belly and I’ve always been self conscious about my stomach because I had a flat belly all my life and never weighed over 140 lbs until I started drinking.

I’m happy at least my 4 year old can tell something has changed. I’m so happy she don’t understand what alcoholism is and just wanted me to stop buying those icky drinks.


This made me smile too. Love how pure, innocent and honest young kids can be.

You are doing great in getting your health back on track! Keep at it and the benefits with show.


So I’m going into my 3rd off sobriety today. I once again slept like a rock last night which was amazing!!!
Waking up today I was still tired so I just drank a 5 hour energy drink to wake up.

I think I feel even better today waking up than I did yesterday. I can feel my body starting to hit a new normal. I really want to wake up my 4 year old since my 2 year old is already awake and go to the track and walk while they ride their bikes or scooters.
You know what instead of thinking about it or second guessing myself I’m going to do it I’m going to grab them a snack and we are going to hit it.
I’ll check in when we are done!!!


@Daniellegurl you are crushing it!! so proud of you :star_struck::muscle:t4::100:


Now that’s what sobriety is all about! Way to embrace life and all the possibilities… i do hope you all had a wonderful time! :hugs:


Ok so we went to the park and we ran around and sweated and we stayed out there for about 3 hours. We brought different things to play with including water balloons.

We was so hot and dirty when we got home. After i gave them a bath they went to sleep and because I’m still dealing with an insurance issue i had to drive all the way to my Dr office chosen pharmacy to get one day supply of meds until i go to the actual doctor tmmw.

Oh and i went to the gas station and i kept my line of focus on just getting a bottle of water and chips. My daughter made sure i didn’t get any icky drinks by asking to see what was in my bag lol.

Needless to say I’m worn out but I’m about 8 hours i will hit my 3 day mark!!!


Seems like a good day living life to me Danielle! Makes me happy to read about it. Keep going. You’re doing great.

PS. One of the better things my government did in the last ten years is banning the sale of alcohol from gas stations.