My porn addiction almost ruined my life

I discovered porn accidentally when I was 12, but became addicted when my girlfriend, now wife, left for college when I was 17. It warped my brain. I needed it at work, before real sex, or any time I was stressed. Normal porn didn’t even do it for me anymore, it needed to be increasingly harder core, and more fetishized. I objectified women, I saw flaws in my wife that weren’t there before. Porn almost ruined my life.

But now my wife and friends support me in overcoming this addiction. Real sex is back, I’m thinking clearly again, and I can finally focus on my life. 28 days in, I’m proud of myself!


Good for you! Welcome Zack. It takes effort and time to get lasting freedom from porn but it is worth it.

There is a thread of people here who check in regularly about this recovery - if you’d like you’re welcome to follow it:

Welcome to Talking Sober!


Congrats on 28 days and welcome to an awesome sober community @Verisimilitude

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Hey Zach – welcome to the community and a great job with your 28 days. This is a wonderful supportive community to help battle your addiction.

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