My Sober journey 💝

You are most welcome friend. Glad to be on this journey with you. :people_hugging:

Grateful that we are learning more about ourselves in this journey. I honestly didn’t realize all that I had shut off or hid away while staying numbed.

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I can’t believe I’m more than 300 days sober as I was at the point It was really hard to spend 24h without drinking. It was I was an opened wound. It’s healing but I have to be careful with this scar :rofl:

Sending love :heartpulse: if you are here and Reading this you’ve made a good choice.


Way to go friend – 10 months is amazing work and great work on healing in your recovery. You are crushing it :muscle: :tada:

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1 year and 1 day
I’m happy really but this weekend IS really challenging. It’s too remind me that I have to have the courage to accept the things that I can’t change. I wanted to have this coin Yesterday but holidays in Paris with the Olympics game is tricky as meetings are cancelled or groups don’t have all they need. And today I was late to a meeting and they had proceed differently …so they didn’t want to give me the chip and I was disappointed because I wanted It before my holidays…I could have waited but I didn’t want…and I’m not proud now. I have to remind that the most important thing IS that I’m sober. Not this.

Thanks you and I hope you are all ok. :butterfly::sunflower:


1 year is terrific. Don’t let anything rob your personal joy!:heart_eyes:


First of all – Way to go friend! You are doing an amazing job on this journey and you should be super proud.

I totally get the need to hold the chip (your banner of honor for your accomplishments). Don’t let the need to want this in your hand make you feel bad or disappointed. You are doing a superb job!

Its the little rewards that helped me and still help me on my journey. Keep up the fantastic work :muscle: :tada: :clap:


I really needed these words :purple_heart:
Thank for your kind words everytime.


awe you are most welcome friend. We are in this together :hugs:

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