My Sober journey šŸ’

You are most welcome friend. Glad to be on this journey with you. :people_hugging:

Grateful that we are learning more about ourselves in this journey. I honestly didnā€™t realize all that I had shut off or hid away while staying numbed.

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I canā€™t believe Iā€™m more than 300 days sober as I was at the point It was really hard to spend 24h without drinking. It was I was an opened wound. Itā€™s healing but I have to be careful with this scar :rofl:

Sending love :heartpulse: if you are here and Reading this youā€™ve made a good choice.


Way to go friend ā€“ 10 months is amazing work and great work on healing in your recovery. You are crushing it :muscle: :tada:

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1 year and 1 day
Iā€™m happy really but this weekend IS really challenging. Itā€™s too remind me that I have to have the courage to accept the things that I canā€™t change. I wanted to have this coin Yesterday but holidays in Paris with the Olympics game is tricky as meetings are cancelled or groups donā€™t have all they need. And today I was late to a meeting and they had proceed differently ā€¦so they didnā€™t want to give me the chip and I was disappointed because I wanted It before my holidaysā€¦I could have waited but I didnā€™t wantā€¦and Iā€™m not proud now. I have to remind that the most important thing IS that Iā€™m sober. Not this.

Thanks you and I hope you are all ok. :butterfly::sunflower:


1 year is terrific. Donā€™t let anything rob your personal joy!:heart_eyes:


First of all ā€“ Way to go friend! You are doing an amazing job on this journey and you should be super proud.

I totally get the need to hold the chip (your banner of honor for your accomplishments). Donā€™t let the need to want this in your hand make you feel bad or disappointed. You are doing a superb job!

Its the little rewards that helped me and still help me on my journey. Keep up the fantastic work :muscle: :tada: :clap:


I really needed these words :purple_heart:
Thank for your kind words everytime.


awe you are most welcome friend. We are in this together :hugs:

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Hello thereā€¦16 months sober and happy to be. Enjoying everyday and learning to deal with my feelings one day at a Time. Itā€™s a wonderful journey that I WISH for EVERYONE still struggling.
You are not alone.

Sending Love :heavy_heart_exclamation:


So great to see you popping inā€¦been way too long! Awesome work on your 16 months :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::muscle:t4:. Keep putting in the solid effort and stacking up the days :confetti_ball::tada:



Thatā€™s awesome @Kadiatou - very happy for you! :star_struck:

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Wow, you superstar! :heart_eyes:

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Just read through the thread. Thanks for sharing this! Congrats!

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Thank you Matt !!! :pray:t5: You helped a lot

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Thank you for your kind words :heartbeat:

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