My story, and what I feel has/worked for me.... so far

Great share, good luck! I can relate quite a bit. Last few weeks been telling myself Im only smoking or drinking so much because of the season we’re in haha. It’s refreshing to know im not the only one and all the best. Well done soo far

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Hey Lucy are you doing the 30 day alcohol experiment.i decided I would to see what it is.

Me again! Good news… liver seems ok. My blood work shows all good. BUT I still have to have an ultrasound in October to ensure things have not worsened. I’m seeing my hematologist in mid-July as well. Thank you for cheering me on! I found day 4 the hardest by the way… weird. Cravings hit me at the strangest time. Out for dinner again tonight. Staying strong… almost over my first week! #Proud :slight_smile: Thanks mleclaire xx


You go girl! Wow that is such a relief :ok_hand:t3::+1:t3: now you know you just have to keep focusing on one day at a time, you’re so many steps ahead of where I was! I’m very proud of you! Keep checking off those days and checking in here and with me!! :heart:


Hello Lucy70
I wish you luck on your journey! I am on day 3. I too have hemachromatosis, been having blood draws for many years. Drinking for all those years too. My father passed because of it in 2001. Took the doc awhile to figure it out, too late for dad, but not for me. It is funny how even though I know drinking is bad for me it just keeps calling me at 4pm and for me it was the feeling I get after I drink.
That feeling is getting old now, time for a change! We can do this!


You are the sweetest thank you!!:kissing_heart: One week down! Dinner and a movie tonight with friends who DRINK ugh… I think I will be ok. In fact I know it! Love that I have managed to do this myself. (And with this forum and especially you! :slight_smile: xx


Hi Dina,
Thanks for writing! I am so sorry about your father. Was it alcohol? or Hemachromatosis? I’m going to see my hematologist July 11 after a blood test to see if I need to do the blood letting… hopefully not. And as you know it is hereditary.

I’m not sure if this is your first time in this forum, but I spend 1-2 hours a day on it and have found it VERY supportive and helpful.

I KNEW alcohol was bad, but it didn’t matter. It had a hold on me. Even a deadly diagnosis would not have deterred me. I needed a ‘snapping point’ and now I’m into my 8th day. And I feel great.

I HIGHLY recommend reading Annie Grace’s book “This Naked Mind” as it is such an eye-opener.

I wrote down one morning how I felt. Like shit. And I saved it in my draft email folder to read from time to time. Ok daily. It also helps.

You CAN do this. Please keep me posted on how you are doing.

Lucy xx

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Thank you Thirdmonkey for your note. :slight_smile:
BTW I call my son “monkey” :relaxed:
I’ve started day 8… trying to hold strong. This forum is life-saving.


Thank you Stormy - all the replies mean so much to me. :slight_smile:

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Thanks Ray - your replies and comments keep me going :slight_smile:

Yes, I get it - I wish you well. All my ‘novice’ advice is above, and/but this forum has been a saviour for me. I am on it at least an hour a day for support. What a lovely community and I wish you all the best too! :slight_smile:

Thanks Lucy for your comment glad to know this old timer is usefull lol


“We can come back from anything.” Thank you for those words…the ability to recover is tough to visualize sometimes.

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I understand completely. I had years of relapses before I could get sober. I don’t usually like sharing that as it can bum people out, but it was my reality. I like to think of it as perseverance. Never give up.

I think as I have gotten older I have seen so many people turn their lives around and have certainly had mutiple reawakenings in mine. There are always challenges in life. Always. Learning self compassion helps a lot to get thru tough times.

We are all doing the best we can, with the tools we have, where we are at right now.

You can do this. We ALL make mistakes, sometimes really horrific ones. Love yourself thru this. :heart:


That just brought :sob: to my eyes. Your heartfelt compassion and reassurance is what I truly needed today. Thank you :pray:t2: so much for that.


You are very welcome.

Thank you Sassyrocks :slight_smile: I see you posting a lot in this forum and to me it shows how much you care about everyone here. You seem to be looking after everyone with advice and even an ear. It is very appreciated. Thank you. And yes, I am now putting myself first for the first time and being compassionate to me. I always put everyone else first, and it’s exhausting as an empath. Thank you again for your kindness.


I am so thankful for all of the information you’ve shared, i keep trying to maintain my sobriety but it always gets the best of me. I’m buying seltzers!!! Its definitely the act of holding a cup in my hand for sure. Thank you for your wisdom.


Thank you for opening your heart here. Here you realize there is no need to be alone in this fight :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:

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Hi @Summer2K19! Keep fighting the good fight…I honestly commend all of you for getting sober because you want to. I, of course wanted to in the end but don’t know if I would be as strong as I am without the medical condition stopping me from relapsing (liver cirrhosis) how long have you been sober for this time around? I have a lot of tips and tricks…I’m no veteran by any means, but am here if you need to talk. You’re never alone :]

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