My Story; Newbie post

Hello :slight_smile: I am new to this group and app and just wanted to share a little of how I decided to get on here. I have finally accepted that I have a problem with alcohol. I drink on multiple weekends of the month and when I do drink I have to get to the level of black out drunk I cannot typically have just a few drinks and stop. Also, a few years ago I unfortunately got too drunk at a concert and fell and broke my leg horribly and had to have a 6 hour surgery that resulted in a plate and 13 screws in my leg which still gives me issues today. I sort of realized I have an issue when I was going to a show with my sister a couple weeks ago and we weren’t going to have a designated driver and I didn’t think I was going to be able to have fun if I couldn’t drink. I was actually having anxiety about it. My father has been an addict since I was born with multiple D.U.IS, opioid abuse, and now methamphetamine abuse. I am not using that as an excuse, but it does run in my family and watching his struggle has been extremely hard for me. Especially lately as he has been at his lowest point ever and we have been unsuccessful in getting him to seek help. I think I have turned to alcohol even more as a result seeking an escape from my reality. My family doesn’t think I have a problem. I am good at hiding it, or they at least haven’t told me that they think I do, but I have decided I can’t let myself end up the way my dad has and I need to break the cycle of addiction, especially for my 2 children’s sake. My son has already cried seeing me drunk before and I hate myself for that. He doesn’t even like if I have a glass of wine since he has seen me belligerent and it’s scared him. He is 8 and my daughter is 11. They deserve better and I am voweling to give it to them. 8 days in so far. :crossed_fingers:t3:


Hi Mandi
8 days is really really good.
Lots of help on here, from all over the world!

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Hell yeah congrats on 8 days!!

Thanks for sharing a bit of your story. Im happy to meet you @Mhilliard21

This place and aa saved me from 20 years of problem drinking.

My advice would be to fill your sobriety toolbelt so you have ways of coping and having fun sober

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Hi Mandi and a warm welcome for you!
I’m Claudia and here on this app for many years now. Sober for many years as well because of this app and what I’ve learned from it.
In my family there is alcolism too. I decided to brake that circle, so far so good :hugs:
What helped me a lot in the beginning of my recovery was making a kind of plan. Giving it hands and feets so to speak. I put it on a piece of paper and gave myself a sort of a deadline as well. I will share it if you are interesting:
2 years sober and what helped me to get there: It’s a sort of sober toolbox for me. Every recovery is a bit different from eachother but has simularities as well.
For example: keeping yourself busy works for everyone!
This thread is also worth reading:What's YOUR plan? and if you need titles of recovery books ore podcasts ore even online meetings you find them here:Resources for our recovery
So again welcome and wander around a bit here on this forum. There are so many interesting threads to read.
If you have any questions feel free to ask me.


Congratulations! Keep going be strong
Think about past what you got from alcohol and compare the present .
Any help ask here

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Hi Mandi, take the reins and run with this. Use the resources and build your future. Staying in static repeat creates no growth or fresh shoots. You can do this, do the hard things and stay connected. Be open and willing and you will shed past coping mechanisms.

We are here for you.

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Brave post, good for you! I started day one yesterday! Been drinking for 27 years. Time to quit. I have also hurt myself, fell on my head and have screws in skull and face. The shit is poison. Let’s stay away! One day at a time.


Welcome to you both, @Mhilliard21 & @Startingat50 ! Glad you’re here. This place has been a godsend for me. Hope you find it helpful as well.:v:

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Welcome and congratulations on your 8 days! It sounds like you have some good motivation to keep moving forward in sobriety. I hope to see you around!!