My story so far

Hello everyone.

I am 26 years old and my story actually only begins at 19. Going to try to keep this. 19 years old, started using narcotics. Went to rehab. Attented 3 or 4 meetings. Clean for 40 days or so. Relapsed… today im 26 years old and today is my 1st day clean again. 7 years using on and of. Using once or twice a month. There has been ocasions where it would be 3 or 4 times a month. Then being clean again for a week, 2 weeks or 3 weeks at most. I was told i cant drink alcohol. Is that true? I can have a glass of wine and thats it but sometimes i do over do it (weekends mostly) and end up making bad decisions. Should i completey quit drinking? I have a good job and my fitness alwayd comes first. I train roughly 15 times a week. Morning and afternoon so its not that my drug use completey rules over everything. Now. The thing is this has been going on for over 7 years now and i need to stop. I cant do this anymore. Im afraid that this will go on for the rest of my life. Am i addicted?? Should i start ro attend te meetings again? Im open for any advise.

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I used to be a meth addict and my cure for that was alcohol.
Mostly because it’s so socially accepted everywhere you go.
Never thought it would become a problem because after all…drugs are bad, as long as i want doing drugs i was doing OK!
Tricked myself out of one addiction into the other, granted…alcohol took a bit longer to actually become addicted to and less noticeable at first.
But when i finally realized i was an alcoholic i realized just how bad the fight was going to be.
Not only is alcohol physically addicting the mental aspect of it being celebrated everywhere you look is agonizing!
At least with meth it was “out of sight, out of mind”, if i kept myself away from certain people, places or things i didn’t think about it…not so with alcohol…it’s everywhere!
So if you aren’t fighting this war yet be careful of what battles you choose!

Stay strong…stay sober!!


I would definitely attend meetings. Rid your life of everything and everyone that triggers your alcohol cravings. I know it seems harsh but it really is the only way to maintain sobriety. Try to distract yourself buy doing things you love, and find a sponsor, someone who can give you emotional support and talk you down when you really want to drink. I’ve posted some other threads here that could help as well.


Thank you for the advice. I’m not giving alcohol the blame for still using meth sometimes. I can be sober as well and sometimes i would use (this was triggered by a game on my computer which i spent 1300 hours of playing) i cant play any game sober so i would use then play games. I have removed all games and that really helps. Talking about alcohol again. I can enjoy 1 or 2 glasses of red wine or any beverage and just that. Both my parents drink (non additcs) so would be kinda impossible to cut them out of my life. And there have been many ocasions where i drank to much and did not use. I am addicted to fitness so the meth and alcohol will never rule my whole life. I havent done the 12 steps because i cant get past the 1 step… i just cant admit it. Confused much… i am in need of all the knowlegde from you guys. Thanks again

I agree with @Oliverjava. If you are questioning its a problem, then it probably already is or becoming a problem. You say your into fitness and it sounds like taking care of your body is important to you. So I am sure you know the health repercussions and long term abuse of alcholol. Would you sit down and eat a cake all by yourself? Hopefully the answer is no. Same with alcholol. It is a silent killer. This post was awhile ago. How have you been doing? Any updates?

I would start going to meeting again I can say it’s really helping me stay clean so many wonderful people to listen to and connect wit and u know just knowing ur not alone

Passed 180 days sober yesterday. Feeling good! :fireworks: :grin: :fireworks:

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