I was thinking if I should or should not share my story, but at this point of my recovery I think I need it. Also others’ stories helped me a lot, and if mine helps anyone, than it’s worth it.
I was born into a quite conservative family. I had difficulties since my childhood, however I didn’t know what causes them. I felt so odd and different and I didn’t fit into others’ expectations. I started to develop and use my escape mechanisms to avoid reality. As I grew up there were more and more signs, and as I couldn’t find any explanation I blamed myself, I thought I’m faulty and wrong. In early adulthood I continued escaping throughout countries, languages, partners. Until I met a guy, felt balanced and happy, so I married him and had children. Oh yes, I forgot to add, I was born as a girl, raised as a girl, perceived as a girl. That time, that place, in my original family there was no chance to come to the realization, that I can have different gender than my original sex. When I questioned my gender I collided to the base rule: if I have female body I must be female. The whole world claimed the same, I had nothing against it, „only” my feelings. So having a family of my own didn’t solve my problems, it got worse and worse, I started to use alcohol as a tool, not as an enjoyment, until at one point I realized, I’m a guy. It explained everything. Also it was a huge trauma. My whole life collapsed, I lost everything including myself, everything I knew about me, I lost my past, I lost my future. I thought I will literally go crazy. That was the point when I started to drink heavily and started to have an unhealthy relationship with sex. I came out to my spouse, who reacted wonderfully, he told me he loves me, me as a person, and I always used to be quite boyish anyway. But still, he is straight, and I’m afraid, there is a point in transition where I can lose him. On the other hand I knew I cannot live as a girl, not even one more day. I started to wear men’s clothes, get man’s haircut, using the men’s room etc. These acts were really out of my comfort zone, because despite the fact, that I’m a hundred percent sure, I’m a bloke, I didn’t have any experience being a man, act like a man, being accepted as a man. I miss all the experiences one goes through during childhood and early adulthood. Now I pass quite well, based on appearance strangers think I’m a young guy, it makes things easier a bit. I’m buliding up my new identity, start getting familiar with feeling self-identical. I got sober, and came out to my parents, who have a hard time processing this information, which I completely understand. So now I have a straight husband who I can lose by transitioning, kids, who are losing their female mum, parents, who don’t want to see me at the moment and a best friend, who supports me and in return I fell in love with her (I’m bi) risking our friendship. And I have you, TS gang! I couldn’t survive without you. Thank you, guys!
EDIT: Update in the thread.