NA Beer; safe alternative or gateway

I’m 12 days sober today. Almost lost a battle with myself at the grocery store today, but I survived with no alcohol in my shopping cart in the end.

I have a family event coming up this week with some big drinkers in attendance. Historically, I’ve been one of those big drinkers. This time I wont be. Is sipping on an NA beer to relive the social pressure ok? Or is it a gateway to doom that should be avoided?


Imo, I think where you’re still early on, it may after a while trigger something inside to really want the real thing, especially if you’re around heavy hitters.
I like my diet ginger ale; I guess it reminds me of beer enough to satisfy.:woman_shrugging:

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i’ve had it during a craving once and it didnt taste great. dramatically stopped my craving, though. i much prefer an iced tea or cold water with citrus.

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Get a seltzer in a short glass with lime. If you just get seltzer in a tall glass…it’s definitely a giveaway that it’s non alcoholic. I haven’t tried this yet but it’s my plan. Save the NA beer for later on. It’s a lot of fun!

First of congratz on 12 days sober my friend not easy at all your on a roll keep it going family event where there will be alcohol ? Is there a way you can avoid going if you think it would be to much to handle i dont have experience with NA beers mayb water ? Sparkling water ? If its family mayb ask them to not have alcohol ? Hope it works out for you and dont stress on it to much trust yourself and make the right decision !

There are a lot of threads on this if you want to search for more discussions.

The questions you ask are the answer in my book. Personally, I find it a slippery slope.

And if worried about attracting attention (most people don’t much care what I’m drinking, in my experience), I wonder which draws more attention? Drinking bad NA beer, or simply hydrating with a normal soft drink…?


I’ve found great strength in three simple words: I don’t drink.

When it’s no more and no less than that, most people respect it. Those that don’t, well. That’s on them. I don’t drink.


I’d say gateway. It would be the same as when I, a gaming addict, would play an online card game. Probably not a relapse, but likely the start of one

I cannot partake in one. I fully feel if I do, it will just lead to the real thing. For me, getting sober was more than just not drinking. It was a life style change. Dont need the real stuff, or fake stuff.


Thanks everyone. Helpful to hear what other folks do in social situations. Unfortunately my wife and I are hosting this event so I can’t weasel out of it. My plan is ginger beer in a tall glass.


I’d say, if you are that worried about it, do you have to have the do? It’s very early for you.
If you have to go ahead with it then it’s best not to drink NA beer, because the next thing you know you’ll be drinking the hard stuff.
You’ve not been sober long enough to change your mindset
Edit, just seem you post.
Ginger beer is one of my go to’s as well


Me and a bunch of others swear by sparkling water as well. The flavored ones are great and guilt free.

Or plain with a lime in it; ya blend right in.

And pro-tip, especially early on if there’s just no avoiding it: Always be holding that soft drink so no one asks if you’d like another.


12 days is really good. I would think that right now it might be best to stay away from NA beers. If you’re worried about social pressure at the family event, come up with some responses right now to things you think you might hear and practice them out loud. Also learn how to control a conversation. If someone starts to pressure you, laugh and say that you’re drinking what you want to drink and then quickly bring up another subject that ends in a question that they have to answer–one that requires more of a response than ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Whatever responses you choose to give should be truthful because your brain is listening. Also your responses should be ones that empower you. You are making the choice because you want to. You have a goal and your choices are what determines whether or not you meet that goal. I absolutely agree with @Eke . Saying “I don’t drink” is pretty powerful and it reinforces the fact that you don’t drink in your brain.


I have found ginger ale helps me with not wanting a beer and makes me feel somewhat normal.

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Great job. Whatever keeps you sober. I personally like NA beer at home sometimes, I feel that drinking it out will lead to more uncomfortable conversations…not tbat I have anything to hide.

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Here in Scotland we arnt aloud any social events in our homes

You may find these threads helpful…

Can I drink non-alcoholic beer?

(Dealcoholized wine )

(Non alcohol beer )

Alcohol free beer - yes or no?

This is a small family thing, but I agree it is still risky. On a separate note, I was born in Bridge of Weir, Scotland. Moved to the states when I was 5. Always have a place in my heart for Scotland!

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