Narcotics anonymous people smoking?

Some of you are saying smoking is good.
Smoking is ok.
Smoking is acceptable.
You should continue it.

This is a wrong advice.


If smoking is ok
That means I’m sober from 1 year ???

You should encourage people to quit smoking.
You should not support smoking.

Some of you have big badges here.
Unfortunately you are denials.

Do some home work.

People you have big badges here are giving wrong advice.

You should be blocked.

You are giving wrong advice here.

People you have big badges here are giving wrong advice.

You should be blocked.

You are giving wrong advice here.

People who are giving wrong advice and have big badges .
Your badges should be taken away.

I don’t see anywhere where any one stated that smoking is healthy or that people should take up smoking.

I do believe, and I think some people may agree, that often our first goal is to gain mastery over no longer using our drug of choice…aka gain sobriety. For many people, it is important and necessary to tackle one issue at a time and gain some confidence and knowledge on what works for us before we begin taking on other substances or drugs we may wish to cease using.

For some people, tackling too many issues at once only leads to being overwhelmed and giving up. Yes, some people are able to quit multiple substances at once…others are not. Part of life is allowing everyone their own realizations, process, discoveries and journey. We all do not follow the same paths or beliefs.

It is commendable that you are so passionate about not smoking. I suggest you don’t smoke…that would fit well with your beliefs. I also respectfully suggest you allow others to progress in their own path and make their own decisions regarding their bodies.

I know it can be hard to understand, but we do all have free will and can choose for ourselves how we live our lives and what our path to sobriety and recovery look like.

Please allow us all our own paths, as we allow you, your path.


Smoking is bad. Don’t do it.


Dude worry about staying sober today and stop whining about badges (though I am curious as to what they are)

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It means I’m sober from one year ???


If you say you are then sure. However, sobriety generally involves being honest with yourself and others, so if you have drank within the last year you may want to consider that.

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You all are saying smoking is ok.
That means I’m sober.

I should not be worried ?

Are you asking if you are sober for a year if you have not drank in a year, but still smoke cigarettes? To me and my interpretation of sobriety, yes, you would be sober a year. If your idea of sobriety is not using cigarettes or nicotine, along with not drinking, then you may see yourself as not sober. I believe we all get to decide for ourselves what our own sobriety and recovery encompass…other people may believe differently…that is also their right.

And why can’t I drink ??
If people can smoke according to you.
Then why can’t they drink ??

No one is saying smoking is good. I’m going to go ahead and chalk this up to a language barrier.


You can drink all you want, no one is forcing you to stop drinking.

Now, as a moderator on this forum I will ask you respectfully, exactly why are you here in this sobriety forum? Do you have an issue with alcohol, narcotics, nicotine, sugar? Something else?

I understand you have some different beliefs, but that does not make my beliefs or someone else’s wrong.

So, is there a reason you are here? Something you might want support with? Because if it is simply to repeat the same things over and over, well, that is not the purpose of this forum.


I went for a moderate paced bike ride today. It released more endorphins than I am usually releasing. I got a runner’s high so I will be resetting my clock.


@785, here is the issue in simpler terms. Each person has a choice. They can be sober or not be sober. They can smoke or not smoke. They can have healthy habits or unhealthy habits. Each individual person makes their own choice about their own actions and their own body. Not everyone makes the same choices, so people disagree. Clearly you disagree with those who continue to smoke in recovery. It is okay to disagree, but it is not okay to be belligerent here about it. People are trying to help you, so please respect that.


It’s making me want to quit vaping and start smoking again.
Oooooooooo, where’s vaping at on this scale?? I smoked for 25 years. Could barely play with my kids 2 years ago cuz I got winded running around.
Now I vape. And run allllll day!
I consider this a win