Im available also if you guys need any help from me or just someone to chatter to that understands…i have a 6 year old daughter that im a single parent to and i know how much it impacts them aswell as us, none of us are alone, we can do this together
Sorry to hear you’re having a tough morning Jaxx You’re going to have to shed that guilt. What is done, is done. No point beating yourself up over things you cannot change. You and I need to focus on the future, and the change we want to see.
Why don’t you check in on your mum today? Maybe bring her something she would like. Flowers, a little cake each to have a coffee together with… Whatever you think she would like. The words you said to her might still sting a bit, but she’s your mum and you love each other. Offer the olive branch
Hope you have a great day too. Stay strong and determined! I’m here if you need a chat x
Thank you Lady! Together we can all get through this. Once you talk to people that you can relate to you don’t feel so alone. My friends nd family don’t understand what I am going through so talking to them doesnt help because they don’t really offer support only criticize.
Thanks so much Kelly x I’ve run out of my daily amount of hearts to give, so have these ones
You’re a great mum, and an incredible person
Im really nothing special but i do try my best just like we all do, i dont wana sound in any way like im telling u off here Binx but next time u feel like your struggling will you please try and come on here to us before you pick up
When i was drinking my mother tried tough love with me to a ridiculous degree…it made me so much worse…she tried to shame me into stopping…when i did stop i had to fight to stay sober and against her utter distain and doubt for what i was doing…it made it twice as hard but i think it helps to understand that people who arent addicts themselves really dont understand how it works…why we cant ‘just stop’ in my mothers case her upset at the state i was in came out as anger and frustration but at the end of the day i know now it was because she loves me and wants the best for me, she even admits now she went the wrong way about trying to help me…try not to let people who dont understand phase u too much, it really only matters what you think but this is why we need the support of fellow addicts who really do understand. The opposite of addiction is connection xx
Oh don’t worry about telling me off Kelly I need it, and I can take it. I’ve given some tough love around here myself, so I know what works. When you dish out the tough stuff it’s because you care, and you want the person you’re talking to to succeed.
I did talk about my stress levels building and not feeling like I was coping before I did drink. I don’t think I talked enough though, I mustn’t have. I won’t make the same mistake again. I’m day 2 now, and I’m feeling strong, because of all of the love and support I get here.
I won’t have you say you’re nothing special. Esteemable people do esteemable things. Your sobriety massively benefits your daughter as well as yourself. You love her so much, you worry about even the smallest things because you strive to give her a happy childhood and want her to feel loved. Not content with that, you are so supportive of people you have never met. I’d call that pretty special xx
Ok il take that thank you. I really do genuinely care about my fellow addicts, we all need each other to fight this horrible disease…i see far too many amazing people here succumb to it and if i can make a tiny difference i will absolutely do it, selfishly its also very theraputic to me to help others and sometimes helps me to distract from my own cravings, its a win win. Im not giving tough love Binx i just want u to lean on us more when u really need to…dont dissapear xx
Nothing selfish about getting something from being supportive to others. If you give me some support or advice, it makes me happy to think it helps you on your own journey. I’m sure everyone else would think the same. It’s a good karma.
I promise, I won’t disappear. I need people on my side, and there’s no better place than here, with people that have walked my road. Thank you sweetheart xx
Your welcome, im always available for pms too if dont feel like discussing stuff on here xx
Joining this group has already made me feel better. The support and encouragement that is shown here is amazing. I always felt so alone as if there is something wrong with me and me only. Hopefully walking this road with all of you will help me become my best self again. You are all inspirational
Part of the disease is to keep us feeling alone, secretive and stuck…once you feel connected you are truly beginning to fight the good fight xx
Welcome! Feel free to vent and share. No judgment here. We all support one another!
I really need some inspiration. I am feeling so down in the dumps, I don’t feel like drinking though I just feel like such a failure and I am flooded with past memories of what my addiction has caused and the things I did while under the influence. I am actually a very introverted person that tries to live a good Christian life but I just feel like I am suffocating.
Im a big fan of written lists…try writing a list of all the things that u believe brought u to the drinking…theres something about writing things down…things come up sometimes that you never even thought of, once you do that list then youl get a more clear perspective of what to start working on. Write a list of things that you are greatful for and a list of things that make you happy…go do it asap and see how u feel afterward xx
How are you doing Binx? Hope you had a good day!! Xx
How are you doing today Binx. Still sober here! Hope you have a good day
Morning Jaxx! All good my lovely
I don’t think I got a notification for that message above, I was on here yesterday too. That’s odd
Well, In Ireland the summer holidays work a bit differently, my kids have been off school since 22nd of June, and I’m going loopy trying to find things for them to do. They have been to some summer camps and all that, but it’s hard to keep them busy indoors outside of that. It’s been raining non stop here. I’ve given them new books, colouring and painting, arts and crafts stuff, puzzles, board games etc etc…
How are you getting along? I hope well xx
I really don’t understand how this site helps. Maybe i am ignorant. I was on a site called Lived which was a great site!! They shut it down (counselors that created site). This site is probably great too but I really don’t know how to use the site. Oh well, my problem nobody else’s. I am just lonely!!!