Need inspiration

Hi there everyone. Is this a platform where we can discuss and share our recovery path. I relapsed lastnight and it was bad. I feel like such a failure


This is definitely the place to be, I’ve seen this place and the people on it change lives ( mine included) read lots, reach out whenever your struggling and most importantly listen and do what the winners do.
I wish you well on your journey.


Thank you that is good to know and glad I found this platform. I am feel extreme guilt and anxiety today. I do not want to ever put my lips on alcohol again. I feel so ashamed. If anyone could give me some guidelines on how to stay on the right track please


Hi :wave:
Welcome to the community, this is a great place for you :slightly_smiling_face:
It’s great you found us I hope to see you around.
When I first joined I read alot, and found when I participated I was and still am flooded with amazing support from people who really care.
We know this journey is a tough one. We don’t have to do it alone anymore. Your not alone anymore you have us.



Welcome to the forum Jacqui! U are absolutely in the right place. Im sorry to hear of ur relapse. What happened? Can you identify what lead u to relapsing?


I think the most important lesson for me was to not do this alone. There is a fantastic community here, full of very supportive people with huge hearts. This is the place to be.

I relapsed yesterday too, after months of sobriety. I was complacent about my sobriety, and stopped logging in as much here. I paid dearly for this lapse.

As this is both of our day 1’s, why don’t we walk this road together? I’m here for you if you need to talk :people_hugging::heart:


Warm welcome from me and a great big hug! :people_hugging: you are in one of the best places to be, this is a safe and non judgemental place where you can share your journey in addiction or sobriety, we are here for u :heart:


Welcome. Coming here saved my life. Get active here, it will help

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Maybe try a meeting meet new sober friends and get good support wish you well


I am sorry you also had a relapse. I was at an event and things just went very wrong very quickly. I hate this feeling. I feel so guilty. I hate drinking and the feeling it gives me. And the consequences are huge the next day. I don’t want to feel so sad all the time. I want to feel joy and gratefulness. I would love to talk to you and also be a pillar when you need one.


Besides not drinking, what are you doing to help your sobriety?

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I know this feeling you mean, but if I can tell you something? Feeling guilty won’t serve us in any way. You need to turn the negative feelings into action. Smack ourselves on the side of the head and ask… so what are we going to do about it?

Think about it. We can have ourselves a pity party, or we can leave it behind and get sober. Being sober is a choice, as is choosing to drink. We both have to get up every day, and choose NOT to drink.

I wasn’t able to go out with my kids this morning because I would have been over the limit to drive. I’m not doing that to them again. I also had myself a nice sick stomach, with plenty of toilet visits. This is the reality of our alcoholism. We are poisoning ourselves. Why else would our bodies react so badly to drink? We pour poison down our necks, that’s why.

I’m in Ireland, so our timezones might be a little out of whack. But I will be on here often, so we should have a chance to chat. You have to check in here every day, post in the check-in daily thread. I’ve started another 100 day challenge too, it’s up to you if you want to join the latter. We have to hold ourselves accountable for our actions.

You ready to do this? :slightly_smiling_face::people_hugging:


I feel like that too. I have a little boy aswell and he deserves the best mom. Drinking to forget or numb the pain of the past is the main reason. So I need to fix that first and let the past go. There are so many good things happening in my life but I feel so stuck. I was so ugly to my mom today and said some really mean things. I have phoned her to apologize I had no right to be so mean but she sounds so hurt and that hurts me.

My drinking affects so many areas of my life and sometimes its not the fact that I drink it is the fact that I don’t know when to stop and the things I do.

It is a poison you are very right. I am so aware of what I do wrong and I just want to fix it. I would love to join the challenge. Thank you for chatting to me it feels good to talk about it with people that can relate. I am unfortunately very alone and don’t really have friends and even my family find it tiresome to spend time with me. I don’twant that. I am better than that I know.


You will be better equipped to deal with your past sober, trust me. Drinking to numb the past doesn’t make it go away, and we hurt ourselves in the process.

Jaxx, yesterday I tried to do similar. I have been very very stressed lately, and I used alcohol to shut the noise up. I tell you now it did nothing good for me. While I had problems before I drank, I was otherwise happy and I felt well in myself. I wiped that all out in one sitting.

There’s two roads here Jaxx. You keep drinking, feeling shit about yourself, hurt your body and the people you love - or- you get sober and start dealing with your shit. Your little boy needs you sober, just as my four need me sober. We need to be present in our kids lives. Bring our A game to our roles as parents.

There’s so much to lose drinking, and so much to gain without it. Will you stay sober with me today? We are in this together, okay? :people_hugging:


Well, i was 5 months sober in May and couldn’t take it anymore. I went to moderate drinking but I am now miserable!!! My boyfriend and I are going to Poland in a few days. Every vacation is a time when i want to drink and i get in trouble. It’s tough!!


I will stay sober with you! Together we can do this. And 100% our kids deserve us present all the time.


Yesss! I’m so happy you’re on board. If you even start to think about a drink, get your butt on here and talk it out, okay? I’ll do the same :people_hugging:


I will def do that! And you aswell. We can do this, we don’t need that junk in kur lives.



Hey Jaxx! How are you getting on? Hope you’re well lovely :people_hugging:

Still sober here :muscle:

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Hi there! I am having a rough morning. I am drowning in guilt from the weekend. But still sober!!! :muscle:. I will not let this win. I just need to get my mind right. Hope you are having a good day as well. Stay strong lady! :bouquet: