Need Outpatient Program in NYC

My son has been in an inpatient program for 5 months for his addiction to THC. He has done great there, and is ready to move to an outpatient program.

Does anyone have any recommendations for an outpatient program in NYC where the groups have plenty of people who have been clean for a while (at least months)?

Thank you.


@Englishd just tagging Derek, we need you on aisle Outpatient Program NYC.


Isn’t he in a 30 month program? You asked about this back in November, and the advice you received was for him to stay in the program for the full recommended time:

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Yes, that is correct.

We believe that 5 months is the correct amount in the current program.

The advice was appreciated, but based solely on the perspective of following the predefined program.

After very careful analysis, with experienced professionals, and with knowledge of him, we concluded otherwise.

So now he is moving to the next phase, and that includes an outpatient program.

No one?

We are looking at Hazelden.

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I honestly don’t think we have many active members from NYC or vicinity from what I can remember. I hope you find a facility and program that works for you and your family. Hopefully my comment can at least bump the thread and gain exposure for you. Best wishes.

Hi there
Glad to hear your Son is doing well in his treatment.
Just in case there is noone to give you any personal experiences/recommendations I found the top rated rehaba in NYC if it helps.
Wishing him the best!


Thank you very much.

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Thank you very much.

I found and contacted a couple of these. It’s not an easy process.

One conversation was particularly odd. I explained my son’s situation and the intake coordinator basically said “what do you want?” I explained again that we are looking for an outpatient treatment facility to follow his 5 months in patient, indicated his age, his eagerness to stay clean and do the work, etc., etc. And they repeated the question. So I played along and basically said “what do you have?” And she said ‘well, we have all kinds of groups. Do you want moderation?’ I said “what are my options?” And she basically said ‘whatever you want: moderation or abstenence. It depends on how busy his life is. You know, we have a lot business people.’

I will not be following up with that place.

Both me and my son have spoken a few times with the people at Hazelden, and asked around, and it looks like they very well regarded.

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Hazelden is well regarded for sure. There’s probably thousands of places in the city to try.