Need positive vibes for the doctors

Something doesn’t feel right, right where my liver is… A month ago they said fatty liver via ultrasound, but something feels off… So I went back in today. All bloodwork came back completely normal again, and I dont have any other signs of liver problems aside from a weird discomfort… Tomorrow I go in for a CT scan and I am terrified… positive vibes and advice are appreciated. Side note almost 30 days sober here :heart:


Making progress, one day at a time :innocent:

Hoping for good results from your scans :crossed_fingers:


Way to go on ur sobriety time! Sending positive thoughts and healing vibes your way for your appt tmrw :dizzy:


Had fatty liver even though i was a few years sober , changed my diet and it worked wish you well


I also have a fatty liver diagnosis and am waiting for an appointment which I guess will involve a ct scan .
In my case my bloods are not completely normal, apparently the results also indicated fibrosis, also very low on white platelets.
So since being told this at the start of November I have stopped alcohol completely (fear-the ultimate motivator!).
I also had the slight uncomfortable/odd feeling on the side but this is pretty much gone now after 60+ dry days. I hope/suspect that this is due to reduced inflammation and that any damage is reversible or containable with a healthy lifestyle and sobriety from this point.
Good luck with your scan, with your normal blood results I would not be too worried.


Congrats on 30 days! That is definitely awesome and will only help. Having normal lab results is a great sign and good for you for going and getting things checked out further. I get bad anxiety for doctors appointments too but it is usually the anticipation that ends up being the worst part. I listen to music or a meditation in the waiting room which helps. Sending calming and positive vibes your way :sparkles:


How did ur appt go? Hope everything is alright :slight_smile:


Thank you all! Appointment went okay, my most recent bloodwork showed my already normal ast and alt numbers dropped by half in a month and a half to the lowest number considered in the normal range which I think is good? Other numbers evened out which might be good too? Im not a doctor and the ones Ive seen arent very good at explaining bloodwork aside from its all good. Anywho, my ct scan was short and they didnt say anything about a fatty liver unless it’s somehwere in the medical jargon I couldnt understand. I find it frustrating they send you this huge thing explaining everything they found and then all I got in return was everything is good keep on keepin on. Still have a weird feeling in my right side but hopefully after more time it will pass… The fear of all of this medical stuff is definitely going to be my main motivator in staying sober! Thanks all for the positive vibes!


Congratulations on your quit. :+1:

Hang in there. You’re doing the right things by getting it checked out. I’m no doctor, but my 2024 medical bills could probably put one through med school. From my experience it can take a while for your liver to heal. Mine was in really bad shape. It took a year before my labs came back normal, but I think that’s an extreme case. My doctor didn’t beat around the bush “If you continue to drink, you’ll be dead in less than a year”. That was a big kick in the ass I needed. I haven’t touched it since and I never will. 386 days and counting.

Everyone is different.

My gut feeling is you’ll heal with time. Keep up with your appointments and listen to the doctors.

Take care of yourself and stay sober. It’s worth it.


Thank you for sharing! Congrats on 386 days!