Need some positivity

I dont know what it is… Day started good and did some good things But then i feel irritated grumpy headache and totally not in the mood for anything.
This i have now since 2 days and it give me olso so much cravings for alcohol.
Is this normal in the recovery?.. Clean for 7days now.
Dont know what to do… Just thinking to drink some beers But i know thats not the way…

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It will pass, try not to focus on the irritability because its totally normal and its going to happen first month of sobriety. You’ll feel so good once the irritability subsides and your still sober. It really helps me to think the drink through. For most of us, at least myself, drinking when I was angry or irritable did not fix the problem. It stopped being fun or makeing me happy ages ago.
Stay strong


I still go through days like that…
Sometimes i feel like a few beers wouldn’t hurt anyone especially if i just kept it to a few…
Truth is, it wouldn’t stay at just a few, it would snowball into a living nightmare and what was originally just a bad day would become a self inflicted apocolypse…
I how your feeling and your not alone…just know to succumb to those feelings is to live with the consequences that follow.

Stay strong…stay sober…you’ll get through this!


You’re doing something fantastic, @Nouchka, in recognising how you’re feeling; your self-awareness is developing without the need to give in to the cravings! Give yourself a pat on the back for that; that’s a really positive step you’ve taken already.
Is there anything you like doing; singing, artwork, cooking, running or some other form of exercise? Throw yourself into something like that or, alternatively, just do some housework. It might sound boring but it’ll keep you from drinking and you’ll have a positive result at the end of it (a tidier living space)!
Have you got any phone numbers for understanding friends or other people in recovery? Give one of them a call and say how you’re feeling. That’ll take your mind off being in a bad mood and craving a drink. Also, you never know, talking to a friend in recovery might also help them too, hearing another friendly voice!
You know a drink isn’t the right thing… I wish you well…
Alternatively, start a chat in the Forum chat room; that might keep you occupied for a while!


I feel ya. I’m on Day 9 @Nouchka and yesterday I had an awesome day. I felt energized, no iritability, happy etc but this morning I felt grumpy and had a headache. So I went for a walk outside, left me phone at home, and got in touch with nature. I sat at the park and enjoyed the lake view and took in all the peace and tranquility. It really does help. Try it out if you can. Your mind is trying to figure out how to be normal. It soon shall pass. But there are plenty of things to do to battle the grumpiness. Hang in there!


@Nouchka I felt the same way today and i been sober for 7 days. Was even offered a drink…twice by two different people. I told them both im trying not to drink and they were ok with that. Drinking has been in my mind all day! Like a virus in my mind. Ughhh! But i didn’t do it and that makes me feel good. I have work tomorrow so that will help. Your doing great! Hang in there and stay strong! This too shall pass.


Thank you all so much for youre comments
Its still going up and down But im still sober now for 10days and im so happy with that.
Today i woke up again bit irritated so i keep it short for now. But again a big Thank you

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@Nouchka - Hey, wow… 10 days is brilliant! Sending a whole load of positivity your way :pray:
Remember, our sobriety is successful only one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time. Keep it in the day and you will thrive!
Bestest of best wishes to you…

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Thank you so much andy tommorow a new day with positive things :slight_smile: how long are you clean/sober?


Yes thats so true But not always easy :slight_smile:

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I’m a bit embarrassed to say, seeing a few folks struggling within the Forum. All I am seeking to do is offer some positivity and understanding, but would hate to think I’m being ‘big-headed’ or boastful about it. I struggled for a long, long time as a functioning alcoholic and, when I stopped functioning, it still didn’t sink in, until I hit that final ‘rock bottom’ and eventually found the true gift of desperation.

Therefore, without being boastful, and merely with a view to encouraging others that sobriety can be achieved, I will admit to being 4 years and 3 months sober (the 15052012 in my name is my sobriety date in UK format - 15th May 2012).

And it’s been tough… very tough at times. Me and my partner split up because of her son coming to live with us; also, for the last eight months, I’ve had employment problems arising through no fault of my own - but me having a drink would be to undo all the good recovery work I’ve done and wouldn’t go any way towards sorting out these problems.

Every day is a bonus for me… I’m so lucky to still be alive. But I am always, ALWAYS, only within an arms length away from my next drink. So it’s not so much how long I’ve been sober; more a case of how close am I to my next drink - I can only maintain a healthy distance by going to AA and taking an active part in meetings, by working through the 12 steps and adopting them as part of my existence, and to try and help others overcome their alcoholism by sharing my experience, strength and hope.



I like feedback from people of all lengths of sobriety because you can learn so so much from somebody at a different date from you.


Still feel like a newcomer myself… long may that feeling last!


This is helping me stay focused. I’m day 2 and really struggling with insomnia, aches and itching I’m also very irritated by everything. Freaking out at how I’m feeling. This forum is helping me through all this.

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@Lush I go thru the same things! This too shall pass.

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